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"You hungry?" Mekhi asked me as he pulled into traffic once we were settled in the car.

I sighed heavily and nodded. "You know I am." I say lowly as I looked out the window as he drove through the streets of L.A.

"My gparents having a barbecue at the crib, you tryna slide?"

I looked over at him and admired how handsome he looked as he drove. "Your grandma and them?" I asked skeptically.

He stopped at the red light and looked over at me and smirked. "You scared to meet my peoples? They would love yo ass forreal; you aint got nothin to be scared about Dan." He licks his plump lips and I had to look away from him.

"Alright fine." I gave in amd continued to look out the window.

I heard him sigh heavily. "Danica dont worry about that nigga forreal, he shows you time and time again that he dont give a fuck about you so why worry about the nigga?" He says out loud as he drives off once the light turns green.

I leaned my head against the window and sighed as my eyes got watery. He was reffering to Zaire and how he missed this doctor's appointment; Mekhi ended up coming to my appointment with me instead. Out of all the appointments I've had so far Zaire has only been to one and the was when we found out the gender of our baby. It was like pulling teeth with him and he always telling me sweet nothings and I was starting to get real tired of it. He would be good for maybe a few days max before he was back on his bullshit.

I was just ready to cut off all ties with him.

I sniffled and wiped my face soon as the tears fell and shook my head. "I know I look retarded but I cant help it, I'm fucked up and I cant just shake the feelings I have for the nigga." I sniffled and more tears came.

"I aint here to judge you Danica cause none of us is perfect but I need you to wake up babygirl cause any nigga that give a fuck about you will fasho show you that he does." Mekhi says seriously. "I get it, yall gotta child on the way and yall basically locked in for life now but that dont mean you gotta stay and put up with his empty promises and inconsistency."

"Its just hard." I sob now. "I've felt abandoned my whole life and then he came into my life showing me some type of attention and I ran with that shit. My mamá dont give a fuck about me and my papá.." I trailed off and laughed while shaking my head and continued to wipe my face as the tears kept coming. "Wow my fucking mascara." I snapped out loud and the tears finally stopped coming.

Mekhi kept quiet the rest of the ride to his grandparents house and I just continued to look out the window.

We pulled up in front of a small one story, white house and he parked his car in the grass lawn next to a few other cars. "Danica look man, I dont know how many times I have to tell you that I got you, but if I gotta tell you a hunned times a day I will. I dont know what it is about you but once I laid eyes on you that day at the bus stop, it was put on my heart that I needed to be in your life." He tells me seriously. "I'm not gon force you to stop fuckin with ya bd, but I'm always here whenever you need something. I felt like we crossed paths for a reason and I can tell you right now, it aint nothin that I want from you besides for you to just be yourself. You aint gotta put up no fronts, no masks, none of that shit around me cause I'm as real as its gon get."

I wanted to cry again but I held the tears in cause I was tired of crying. "Thanks Khi, I dont be trying to be a burden or anything but I do appreciate you a whole lot." I sniffled.

He smirked at me and grabbed some wet wipes from the middle console, then handed them to me. "Now is yo crybaby ass done?" He jokes. "I dont meed my peoples thinking I dont made yo ass cry."

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