Chapter 29: Impending Danger

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Jarek: December 25, 2015 9:45 a.m.

     "God dammit!" my voice boomed into the chilly morning air as I violently jerked at the handcuffs that trapped me next to the charcoal grey Toyota corolla.

"Mother fucker!" I screamed, kicking Damien's car repeatedly. That son of a bitch was a cop. Did Alyssa know that? Was Alyssa undercover as well? Or was everyone made a fool of by the naive 21 year old?

That bitch wasn't even old enough to accompany a new driver as they drove on their permit. How the hell did he manage to fool the entire market?

With a burst of yet more anger at my situation, I ripped my hand backward, suddenly breaking the car door handle from it's place.

I smiled, shaking away the throbbing pain in my wrist, then studied the handcuffs and door handle still attached to me.

The sound of a rumbling engine caught my attention, bringing me to hurry inside my house. If its a cop then I needed to be ready for a fight. On the other hand, I was expecting a man I had been doing business with for years to be arriving soon.  In fact, he was an hour late.

Focusing back on the task at hand, I pushed the sliding glass door open and stepped inside my house, hurrying to the back room without closing the door. I threw the torture room door open, quietly closing it behind me with my left hand so the handcuffs and door handle wouldn't slam into the wood and attract unwanted attention. I glanced around the room, trying to decide on what to use as a weapon. A gun would be most preferable as a cop would also have a gun.  It would be hard to use a close combat weapon on the intruder if he was shooting at me. 

So I targeted the last drawer on my metal cabinet, pulling it open and finding a simple revolver among needles and scissors. Why were they in this drawer? That's not how I had categorized them.

In a fit of anger, I slammed the drawer shut, mentally promising myself to reorganize the entire cabinet later.

Currently, I had a much more important task to attend to. I loaded the revolver and slipped back out into the hallway, slithering my way through the house so I could get a good look at who had arrived.

The red truck finally showed itself, pulling up to the back porch calmly, the bed of the truck carrying multiple dogs. Pure bred German Shepherds to be exact. It was easy to get your hands on animals. A lot easier than getting a human being. The consequences were worse as well.  Chris, the man who had just arrived, had admitted it would have been a lot easier to grab mutts, though he swore pure bred shepherds had the best noses. He also mentioned they were a bit harder to train, though were loyal and brutes. Perfect for a hunt.

I had only used the dogs one other time in all the years I knew Chris and they came through for me. The kills may not have been clean but I never liked clean kills anyway. It made everything I had gone through worth it.

I lowered my revolver as I approached the back door, watching carefully to be sure no one had stolen Chris's car and dogs. I could never be too careful with how things were going now.

His tall figure rose from the driver's side of the car, rounding to the back of the truck before he rubbed the head of one the dogs.

I wanted to smile, though I couldn't help but be angry with him. He was an entire hour late. 

Marching out the back door with a scowl plastered on my face, I slammed the glass door shut behind me, making my way to Chris. "Where the fuck have you been?" I spat.

Chris laughed, gathering the leashes of his dogs. "I wasn't told there was going to be cops all over the damn forest. I tried to call you to let you know I'd be late because I had to take a slight detour but you didn't answer." his eyes flickered to the handcuffs on my right wrist before a grin broke across his face. "Guess I know why you didn't. Looks like you found yourself a cop too, yeah?" he pulled a cigarette from his leather jacket, smoothing his dirty blonde hair back before placing the cancer stick between his lips. 

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