Chapter 3: Post Abduction

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Mona: Date: Unknown. Place: Unknown.

My head pounded as my mind slowly swam its way back into consciousnesses.

Where am I? I thought to myself.

Darkness surrounded me- alerting me to the fact that I still had my eyes closed.

But did I want to open them? Did I want to know where I was?

I could remember everything that had happened.

I was kidnapped.

My chest seized with fear and I held my breath.

Was my kidnapper here? Was he next to me?

I barely opened my eyes in an attempt to take in my surroundings.


That's all I saw. I saw black. No shadows. No outlines like I would in the dark. Just black. I saw nothing.

Confused, I sat up right and widened my eyes.

Still, there was nothing.

Am I blind? I thought in fear.

"H-hello?" I called out weakly. My voice was raspy, almost as though I hadn't used it in weeks.

"Don't speak." A voice to my left hushed me.

I looked around, but there wasn't a sign of the voice.

Was it a boy or girl? Was it my kidnapper?

"Who are you?" I asked the dark lamely.

There was a pause and a shift of body weight on a hard surface.

"I'm Kaila." she answered. A girl.

"What do you want?" I asked quietly, moving away from her voice.

"Nothing. I don't want anything except to get out of here alive." Kaila responded.

I squinted through the black veil of my vision. Still nothing.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep and shaky breath. "May I ask you something, Kaila?"


I nodded and asked in a such a hushed whisper that I wasn't sure I was even making any sound. "Do you see any light?"

I waited for what seemed like very long minutes, though her answer only came in a few short seconds.


I let out a relieved sigh. "Ok. So I'm not blind?"


I nodded, though I knew she couldn't see me.

It was then that I felt something brush across the top of my hand- causing me to jump and throw myself away from it with a gasp.

My body collided into another's with a loud smack.

A girl cried out in pain and moved away from me, though she didn't need to. I was already back-crawling away from her. However, my hand crunched down on four fingers- possibly toes as I moved away, causing another girlish cry of pain.

Panicking now, I stopped moving and began to cry as quietly as possible.

"Kaila..." I whispered into the dark between my sobs.

"Yeah?" her voice sounded calm.

"How m-many- how many people are down here?" I hiccuped.

She didn't answer right away. She seemed to be thinking.

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