Chapter 24. - Father Versus Son.

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Chapter 24. - Father Versus Son.

"Last chance. Either you pick up the gauntlet and arm yourself or I will strike." Arthur threatened, circling his father who had still made no movement to pick up the gauntlet or arm himself.

"I have no wish to fight you Arthur." Uther spoke calmly, even though his son was pointing a sword at him.

"So be it!" Arthur said, swinging his sword at his father. Uther quickly raised his sword to parry his son's attack. But then quickly lowered his sword. He would not and definitely could not fight his only son. But Arthur still continued to circle his father, crouched low in a fighting stance. "How can be expected the lead men into battle if you don't have the guts to pick up a gauntlet, or even raise a sword to me?!!!!" Arthur riled.

Uther clenched his jaw, he would not retaliate. "You are nothing but a coward and a murderer!!!" Arthur said. Lunging into an attack. Again his father parried but this time Uther did not lower the sword. Arthur leapt forward into the attack and this time Uther did not hold back. He retaliated with a slice towards his son's head. If Arthur had not lent backwards when he did then the sword would have cut into his neck. Uther gasped in shock at what he had almost done, but Arthur seemed unfazed.

"You need a breather old man?" Arthur taunted. Uther had never seen his son like this before. He had no wish to fight.

"Arthur stop this. It is pure madness. No doubt that witch who is in my cells-" but Uther never got to finished his sentence as Arthur lashed out again, only just catching Uther on the arm. Arthur smirked. This would be easy. He swung with his sword again but his father blocked it again. The fight was equal due to the adversaries’ strength and speed. But unequal due to Uther not wanting to fight his son.

Arthur lunged forward as his father swung the sword at his side, just dodging the blade by inches as he twisted his sword in his hand, causing it to hit his father's and send it spinning across the room, leaving Uther unarmed. Arthur advanced on his father, causing Uther to retreat and fall backwards into the throne. Arthur pinned his father into place with his sword pointing to his father's chest. His face contorted with rage. But just as Arthur was about to kill his father the doors burst open and a messenger walked into the room, giving Uther the only distraction he needed so that he could run and grab his sword as Arthur was now pointing his sword at the messenger. "Leave!!! NOW!!!!!" he yelled. The messenger was so frightened that he fell over as he ran towards the door, slamming them shut behind him. That was when Arthur realized what his father was doing. Uther was almost at his sword. "Oh no you don't!!" Arthur yelled as he raced down the length of the hall. Just a moment too late as Uther had grabbed his sword and ran at his son.


Merlin, Princess Tylluan and Guinevere were running along the corridor they had to get out of Camelot before the warning bell started ringing to alert the whole kingdom that Gwen had escaped. As they ran past the council chambers they heard loud voices coming from the room, but neither of them stopped to pay any notice.

"Gwen. Arthur was with you yesterday night wasn't he?" Merlin asked as they ran.

"Yes he stayed there the whole night outside my cell. Why?" Gwen replied.

"Nothing. It's unlike him not aid in a rescue mission, especially for you. Also he wasn't in his room all yesterday evening and night. So I was just wondering." Merlin said.

They kept running until they reached the doors to the courtyard. "Damn! I don't have the power to make all of these people fall asleep!" Princess Tylluan muttered, as they saw how many guards, knights and villagers were in the courtyard.

"You don't have to. Come on this way." Merlin said, leading them towards the burial chambers. "If we go through here it'll take us all the way to the borders of the forest. Then we can run for the cover and get away. Hopefully before anyone notices you are gone Gwen."

They ran through one of the servants passages to get there quicker also to evade the guards that would be on patrol through the citadel.

"Wait!!!!" Gwen cried.

"What?!" Merlin said, spinning round to face her.

"Arthur was going to 'talk' to his father but he didn't sound happy. I should go back and calm him down." Gwen said turning round to go to Arthur. But Merlin grabbed her wrist stopping her. "Tylluan can you take Gwen with you down to the burial chambers and get her out of here. Do not wait for me!!!!"

"Where are you going?!" Princess Tylluan asked.

"To stop Arthur from doing anything rash. Before it's too late. Go." Merlin said running back up the passageway and back towards the council chambers.


"Come on!!! Fight me!!!" Arthur yelled, kicking out at his father. Uther leapt backwards, to avoid Arthur's sword which lashed towards his gut. Uther swung his sword and it caught his son's arm. "Gah!!!" Arthur cried in pain, as blood started to trail out of the wound on his arm. Luckily it didn't seem to be too deep. Arthur flexed his wounded arm, the muscles groaned in pain; maybe the sword had cut through a muscle? But still he continued fighting his father. Uther still didn't seem keen to continue.


Merlin sprinted all the way to the council chambers; he skidded to a halt and pressed his ear against the wooden door. He could definitely hear angry voices and clashing of swords. He shoved against the door but it was locked. 'Damn! Not something I had wished for!' "Arthur!!!" he yelled hoping Arthur would hear him. But to no avail he could still hear the swords clashing. "Tospringe!!" Merlin yelled his eyes glowing golden. The lock broke and the door burst open with such force that it hit the stone wall, causing both men inside the room to jump in fright. 'Opps! I think I overdid it a little.' Merlin thought as he stood there awkwardly. He could see Arthur with his sword pointed right at his father's chest. Uther glancing between Merlin, Arthur and the sword pointed at his chest.

"Arthur fighting with your father isn't going to make his decision about Gwen any better. Just put the sword down and talk to him." Merlin said calmly.

"It won't work. He never listens to me!!! He never has done!!!" Arthur said, the struck Uther worse than the sword ever could. It was true; he never listened to his son.

"You've lost one parent do you really want to lose the other? But this time if you chose to kill your father his death will be your fault!" Merlin said.

"Listen to him Arthur." Uther said, but he soon shut up as Arthur dug the sword into his chest and gripped onto his cloak tighter.

"Arthur just put the sword down and perhaps talk to your father. He may be willing to listen to you." Merlin said.

"Swear to me!" Arthur cried, his face contorted with sorrow as tears filled his eyes. "Swear that you'll listen. Swear it." he gushed, hastily blinking away the tears.

"I promise to listen to you from now on Arthy. I swear that I will now and forever listen." Uther said, he hated seeing his son so conflicted.

"And what about Guinevere. Can she go free?! She's not a witch. She's honorable and kind." Arthur said, the tears starting to fall.

Uther turned to Merlin, "Tell the guards to release the girl." Merlin grinned, 'Bit late. We broke her out a few minutes ago.' But still he would tell the guards when they came round. "We'll talk about your feelings for her later Arthy." Uther said. Arthur suddenly dropped to his knees, dropping his sword to the floor.

"I'm s-so sorry. S-Sorry." Arthur sobbed. Uther hugged his son as Merlin smiled.

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