338. Masculinity Issues

311 21 14

(italics are thoughts)


Nico- *shows up with a pink t-shirt*

Leo- Why are you wearing a pink t-shirt?

Jason- *panics to himself* If I begin teasing Nico with being gay it'll not be okay because he IS gay so... *puts on pink shirt and turns to Nico and Leo* Nico and I are just very sure of our masculinity we don't mine wearing pink, do we Nico?

Nico- Uh....

Leo- If Jason doesn't mind wearing pink, I don't mind either *puts on a pink shirt* I'm as a man as ANY of you guys

Nico- ...

Frank- OH GODS LEO IS WEARING PINK AND SO IS JASON I BETTER DO THE SAME *puts on shirt* We're all men here

Percy- Uh, no. Nobody is going to win me here *puts on a pink dress* MORE A MAN THAN ANY OF YOU

Nico- *dies*

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