(2) How To Make A Magic Portal. Or Not.

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It wasn't like I was being an idiot about it, like going in without any security or anything.

I was my own security.

And anyways, I was going after my husband, not running away from home with a guy I met five seconds ago.

Which was kind of what I did with Raees in the first place, minus the running away part, being kidnapped and all.

But that wasn't the point. The point was, I wasn't doing anything wrong. I was a future Queen who was visiting one of my kingdoms with my husband, without his knowledge.

And Raees would just have to deal with it.

Along with his mean, grumpy dragon friends.

Are you sure this is a good idea?

I sighed. Didn't this guy have a country to run?

I do. But good management takes you quite far, something your dragon should definitely learn.

This was your idea.

Not trusting him blindly was. You came up with the risking your life part on your own.

I wasn't risking my life. I was just going on an adventure. And everyone knows that it's not an adventure without a little... thrill.

Take someone with you.

Who? The laundry girl, or the chef guy? I asked sarcastically. Because anyone who can work a sword seems to be way more loyal to him than me.

They didn't care that I was the future Queen.

They definitely didn't care about the ice cream I occasionally tried to bribe them with.

And why was I wasting my time arguing with Nex anyways? Who cared what he thought?

Not me, for sure. All I cared about was how to follow Raees to Draconovia, without getting caught or lost during the process, and Nex was absolutely no help when it came to my transportation problems.

But someone had to be. Because I sure couldn't run as fast as Raees could fly.

So I went to the only people I knew in the castle who could help AND keep a secret.

Since they lived in a dungeon and all...

The Balthazar twins.

The plan was clear. Go in, be nice (because getting eaten by freaky red-eyed twins had to be the worst possible way to go), ask for help, get help, and then get the fudge out of there.

But plans rarely went the way they were supposed to.

"When the cats away, the mice will play." The girl grinned at me, while the boy just stared with his freaky red eyes.

"No idea what you're talking about." I said with fake innocence, "But I need your help." It wasn't like I was lying anyways. They were wrong. Raees was a dragon, not a cat, and I definitely wasn't a mouse.

Raees. I'd said goodbye to him over 4 hours ago. And then moped around in my room for three hours before coming up with this plan.

"You're OK with my departure?" He had asked.

"Depends." I shot at him, "Would saying no change anything?"

He sighed, "We don't have a choice."

I knew it wouldn't. That's why I had to follow him after he left. I just didn't know how I was going to do that without him finding out.

I stepped away from him and said, "Whatever. Go."

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