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Nineteen weeks pregnant

"Take a guess at who just finished paying off on a new house!"

Louis glanced up from the piano, raising one eyebrow. "I'm guessing you... You're late for your lesson."

"I was paying for our house! You aren't happy?" Harry asked, going to sit by his boyfriend.

"I am, Harry... I'm just hungry and tired," Louis explained briefly, holding his tummy.

"Baby," Harry cooed, leaning down to peck Louis's cheek. Louis pouted, turning for a real kiss, which Harry happily gave him. "Teach me some piano now. I have a song due in a week and I want to play it on piano instead of guitar."

"Oh... Will you sing it for Bear?" Louis asked.

"I definitely will, kitten," Harry cooed, pressing his fingertips gently across his baby.

"Okay, let's start," Louis began.

It wasn't long into their lesson that Louis was whining, wanting to go eat food, but Harry really needed to finish.

"C'mon Louis, please let me finish-"

"We're hungry," Louis interrupted angrily, crossing his arms.

Harry sighed because he was really stuck right now. He hated when he couldn't please his boy, but he couldn't get caught further behind in school work. He'd already missed a few days and his professors all understood that Harry had a pregnant boyfriend on his hands, but they couldn't just let Harry off and Harry needed to keep up.

"Louis, I have to have this song done," Harry hissed, already messing up as he played some of what Louis helped him compose. "I'm paying you to teach me piano."

Louis grunted, moving Harry's fingers to tap along three completely different keys and Harry gave an angry Louis a quick peck to his cheek, promising him dinner soon.

The next forty minutes were hell for the younger lad. Harry tried to keep his cool but Louis wouldn't stop complaining. Harry also knew that it was Louis's hormones making him act like a child but it was frustrating.

After the lesson, Harry took Louis to a pizza parlor and they sat down, Louis excited to dig into a vegetarian pizza consisting of three different pepper types, onions, mushrooms, and olives.

"So Luke's dinner is tomorrow," Louis said conversationally as he bit into a slice of pizza, refraining from moaning.

Harry, who was a little pissed, only nodded, picking off the olives. Louis frowned.

"You could've told me you didn't want olives."

"To hear you whine some more?" Harry said cooly, finally able to eat the pizza slice without tasting the foul olives. "No, but thanks for the offer."

Louis scrunched his eyebrows together, surprised with Harry's bitter tone. "Harry?"

"What?" Harry snapped. He honestly wanted to be left alone.

"Are you mad at me?" Louis poked out his bottom lip, blue eyes wide and watery.

"No, Louis," Harry sighed, ridding the tomato sauce from the side of Louis's mouth with a napkin. "I'm just behind in school so I'm worried."

Louis suddenly felt guilt wash over him and he stared down at the table.

"I'm sorry," the older lad mumbled, setting down the pizza slice he wasn't quite finished with.

"It's fine," Harry breathed even though he really wasn't fine. He was a still angry.

"Are you going to punish me, Daddy?" Louis asked quietly, lifting his watery eyes to stare innocently at Harry.

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