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Still sick? xH

Yes. Can you come over?

I will. Want soup? (: xH

Please. And hugs? -Lou

Anything for you, love. xH

Louis grinned before sneezing a total of four times. Stupid cold.

Louis grabbed a tissue from his bedside table and blew his nose into it, just wanting Harry to come over. Louis fluttered his eyes closed, eventually falling asleep.


Tap, tap, tap.


Tap, tap, tap.

"Louis, can I come in?"

Louis grunted and whined, but he couldn't find the strength to yell for Harry to enter his apartment.

Thankfully, he heard the click of the front door and then herd it close.

Seconds later, Harry peered into the room before sighing in relief.

"Didn't know which room was yours. I was scared I'd walk in to a naked roommate."

Louis giggled a bit before coughing.

"You're okay. Liam is with Ashton."

Louis blinked because Harry had flinched. Flinched when he heard 'Ashton'.

"Do you not like Ashton?" Louis whispered as Harry dropped his shopping bag neatly on the edge of Louis's bed.

"I don't have a problem with him, really," Harry muttered, avoiding Louis's blue, knowing eyes.

"Okay... What do you have there?" Louis asked in order to guide Harry away from obvious discomfort.

"A can of soup, some more cold medicine and tea bags, and a heating pad. I heard it helps due away with the fever," Harry announcing, picking the bag up again. "I'll go busy myself with this. Hang on."

Harry went into the kitchen and made the soup for Louis, along with a mug of tea and a dropper of the medicine. After that, he took it all to Louis's room and helped hook up the heating pads to place on Louis's tummy, where it hurt the most at the moment.

"Hi," Louis whispered once Harry sat down.

"Hello, Louis."

"Why did you check on me like that? At random?"

"I care about you," Harry said simply, using his long fingers to brush back Louis's hair.

"You're thoughtful."

"Why isn't Liam here if you're sick?"

Louis blushed.

"I didn't want to get him sick," Louis lied quickly.

"But you invited me over?"

"Liam has been my friend forever!"

Harry chuckled and shook his head. "I feel loved."

Louis just stared argus blanket. He didn't like to lie. Truthfully, as soon as Louis thought about inviting Harry over, he'd begged Liam to leave so that he could be alone with Harry- Louis knew the younger boy would come over if asked.

"Would you like to watch the television?" Louis asked, trying to discard his thoughts.

"We can, yes," Harry agreed, crawling up to lie beside Louis and wrap his arms around him.

Louis use his remote to turn on the television in his room and finally pick up his soup, eating it slowly.

A few times, Louis could just feel Harry's stare, but he found himself liking it too much to protest.


"Oi! Louis! Wake up!"

Louis rolled over in his sleep, clinging tighter to the warm body beside him- Harry's warm body.

"Louis! Please wake up!"

Louis blinked his eyes open and yawned, shuffling a bit to see Harry opening his own eyes and Liam hovering over them.

"You're going to get the pot bloke sick," Liam protested, gesturing to Harry.

"He obviously doesn't care," Louis sassed, turning back into his cosy shell.

"Oh? No job or school to worry about?" Liam challenged.

"Bugger out, Liam. Go worry about yourself," Louis muttered as Harry rubbed soothingly on his hips.

Louis sometimes hated Liam. In fact, they had never liked each other in the beginning.

Liam worked as a nurse at the local pediatric center while Louis was merely a piano teacher at the recreational center. Liam noticed Louis was in a knot and helped him out by offering to share an apartment with the older lad.

Ecentually, the two did become friends, but they bickered plenty because Louis was loud and bossy while Liam was observing and neat.

Louis didn't like when Liam tried to play the role of Louis's father. Louis didn't have a father and he didn't need Liam to pretend to be his.

Harry seemed to sense Louis's rigid composure, because he started to rub Louis's hips again and trailed kisses down his neck to his collarbone.

"Calm down, Louis, you don't need to think too hard. You are already ill," Harry advised, nudging his nose against Louis's neck.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, love. I actually need to go anyways. It is getting late and I have to be in class early."

Louis nodded weakly and let Harry go.


Alright, so I wanted to let you know why my chapters are short. For one, I update often. They're typically not too short, but after chapter ten, the chapters will gradually get longer as Louis and Harry get further into a relationship. (Obviously, they'll end up together, so don't say I ruined anything.)


Do you think Louis and Liam have a better reason for never getting along?

(They do.)


Who do you usually prefer to read as being pregnant- Louis or Harry?


I can't even read a chapter with Louis in full control of Harry. Louis always has to be a bottom or submissive or else I won't read it at all. Lol. I'm picky. Pregnant Louis is life like ugh

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