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Since Des was staying at Harry's apartment, Louis decided to just stay at his own home and give the two men privacy.

Harry looked like a lost puppy, claiming he wanted Louis to stay, but Louis just smiled and kissed Harry's cute nose before leaving.

Louis decided to go to the movies with Liam and see a children's movie called Strange Magic. It was cute and sappy, but Louis mostly enjoyed the music and the ending.

After the movie, the two lads dropped by a sandwich shop, are a small dinner, and want back home, where they went to sleep.


Harry was making coffee when his father entered the room, dressed in khaki pants and a blue polo shirt.

Harry blushed because he was always lower-class than his father. Harry was dawning low-cut sweats with no shirt and a messy case of bed head.

"Eggs on toast, Dad?" Harry offered, heading to the toaster that had just popped two slices of toast.

"Please," Des spoke politely, sitting at the bar. "Two would be lovely."

"Two eggs on toast, coming up. Coffee?"

"Yes. I like it-"

"Black. I remember," Harry said with a fleeting smile. Des smiled back.

"Yes, black. Is your boyfriend coming over today?"

"Oh... I had planned on going to the park with the two of you, but if you want-"

"The park sounds lovely, Harry. I'd like to get to know Louis. You seemed flustered and in love. Have you told him you love him?" Des asked while Harry dumped a fried egg onto a slice of toast.

"No, sir, but I will soon. It takes bravery."

"I'd imagine," Des hums, smiling in thanks as the plate is set in front of him at the breakfast bar.

"I want children with him," Harry blurted before blushing.


"Not particularly. But, Father, he wants them soon and I'm willing to do anything to please Louis."

Des took his time answering. He cut into the egg on toast and took a bite, observing Harry all the while.

"I understand that you love Louis. I really do," Des started, finally speaking up, "But I'd like to point out that you are only twenty-one and you are still in university. Please achieve what you want in life before settling down."

Harry handed Des a forest green coffee mug, smiling at the older man.

Harry somehow managed to be really damn lucky.


"Harry!" Louis squealed, jumping into Harry's outstretched arms, kissing his cheek several times. Harry chuckled and set the smaller lad on his feet, pressing their lips together.

"Alright, you two," Des chuckled, pinching Harry's arm playfully. "I want to get this walk over with. It looks like it's going to rain."

Harry smiled, pressing one last kiss to Louis's thin lips before setting him on his feet and lacing their fingers together.

The three men walked down the sidewalk of the park, chatting about different things, most mostly about one of Harry's favorite subjects- Louis.

Des wanted to know all about his son's love interest. He was truly interested in why Harry wanted Louis, but Des could see the love in Harry's eyes whenever Louis spoke about his life.

Yeah, Harry thought as Louis smiled up at him, I'm definitely lucky.


If you haven't seen Strange Magic, you're welcome because I didn't spoil the movie for your sake! (I almost did.)

This was cute, don't you think? (:


What do you think about Des?


Favorite ongoing Larry fic on Wattpad?


Honestly I have a few but I'll only name two because they're good. Clean Criminal has been my obsession thanks MaddsLeigh &
I Sleep Naked by uniquelyxlarry is so brilliant I wish I could write like her... But that's literally like everyone's favorite.

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