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Another week passed by and Louis and Harry had officially known each other for a month.

It was a little odd to think that only four weeks ago, Harry had began piano lessons with Louis. The two felt as if they've known each other forever.

Harry's met Louis's three best friends so now Harry was taking Louis out so that Louis could meet Harry's friends.

The two intertwined hands as the entered the dimly lit restaurant. Harry informed the hostess that they were sharing a table under the reservation 'Parker' and she guided them to a table were four people were sitting.

"Harry!" The only girl at the table greeted, letting go of a blonde lad's hand to stand up and hug Harry.

"'Ello, Lennox. Everyone, this is Louis. Louis this is Lennox Parker-"

(A girl with curly blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles, and a bright smile)

"Luke Hemmings-"

(The blonde boy who had small dimples and a lip piercing)

"Ed Sheeran-"

(A red-haired lad who so had a small splattering of freckles and pretty, sea-colored eyes)

"And Zayn Malik."

(A raven-haired bloke who looked like more like a sculpture of a Greek god than a human being)

"Hello," Louis whispered, smiling at the group.

"Is Louis your boyfriend yet?" The girl, Lennox, asked with a smirk.

"No, he is not," Harry replied as the three sat down.

Harry sat between Louis and Ed, who was across from Zayn, who was beside Luke, who was beside Lennox.

"Hello, I'm Cal, your waiter. What can I get you lot to drink?" A lad asked, offering a half-dimpled smile.

The group ordered their drinks before the lad promised to be back with them soon and take their orders then.

"The waiter was cute," Lennox says as she reads her menu. Luke glares at her and Harry lets out a small laugh because Lennox was always so casually blunt.

"What would you like to eat, love?" Harry asked, smiling at Louis.

"Maybe a salad. I'm not really hungry," Louis said quietly, looking over the salad choices. "What about you?"

"I'm ordering lobster steak."

"Is that a thing?" Louis asked incredulously.

"Yes. Would you like to order it?"

"What if I don't like it?"

"Then you can order something else," Harry assured the smaller lad, taking his menu away and handing it over the waiter when he appeared again.


Louis rather liked Harry's friends.

Lennox was rambunctious and outgoing, which meant she was very loud. She seemed to not think of anything before speaking her words.

Luke had a great taste in music and he was shy and dorky. He like Ninja Turtles just like Louis did and the two got along the most out of all of Harry's friends.

Ed was a musician like Harry, but he was already getting noticed. He was a bit quiet, but he joined the conversations that were about music and life in general.

Zayn was the hardest to get to know because he didn't speak much. He just looked around and listened so all Louis knew of the mysterious lad was that he was attractive.

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