Then one day, completely out of the blue, he stopped talking to me. He didn't answer my phone calls or my text messages. He pretended not to notice me in the hallways. Without a single explanation, he dropped me from his life.

It's totally fine though. I don't need him or any of his shit. Nobodies first love ends up working out anyways, so it's not like I should've been surprised.

Frustration pulses through my body as it often does when my mind wanders back to Jace, I push off of the pavement with my boots, gritting my teeth against each other. My mood does not improve when my school comes into view.

The warning bell rings as I skate through the parking lot, paying no attention to the cars trying to hurriedly find a spot. A few of them honk at me, but I just roll my eyes. I'd like to see them try to hit me with their cars...

"Sleep in again, slut?" A loud voice calls out, taking my attention from the pavement speeding past the wheels of my skateboard.

I look up to see my entire band of weirdos standing outside the doors of our school. Trax smirks at me, to which I respond with a flick of my middle finger.

After Jace left me, these guys took me in. They were good friends of his, but they got dropped as well by Jace. From what I've heard, he's got into some pretty serious shit. It's probably a good thing he's not with us anymore. I'd rather not end up dead in some ditch from a heroin overdose.

I hop off of my board, scooping down to pick it up quickly. Alright, so I had intended to actually go to English, but fuck it.

My eyes scan - as they always do when I get together with my friends - for a certain brown haired, blue eyed person. When I finally spot him, my stomach does little flips.

Jake Feldson.

To make my life even more screwed up, I happen to be ridiculously in-love with one of my best guy friends. I don't even know how it happened. Just one day we were hanging out and - BAM! - every inch of my brain was screaming at me to kiss him.

Of course he doesn't know this, what, am I completely an idiot? Jake's not that kind of guy; the relationship type. He sleeps around with any girl he lays eyes on, except me, of course. I'm just 'another one of the guys' to him. Just call me the queen of the friendzone.

Not a single soul knows and I intend to bring it to the grave with me. If any of the other guys found out, they'd harass me until I jumped off a bridge, and still, they'd make immature jokes at my funeral, I'm sure.

Jake and I are really good friends. I wouldn't dare give that up for some stupid feelings in the back of my head. Plus nothing about love sounds appealing to me. It only leads to heartbreak and disappointment. I'll just wait out the feelings and I'm sure they'll pass.

My eyes catch Jake's and my lips pull down into a frown. His eyes are clouded with stress and other troubles.

I think one of the main reasons I started to fall for him is because he's real. Not in the sense that he lives and breathes, but he's got flaws. He seems like one of the only people that wouldn't go running the other way with me and all my baggage.

His imperfections make him even more desirable to me.

& that's the problem...

* * * *

"All I wanted was for you to not desert me in English class, was that asking too much?" I'm greeted by a very irritated Clove the second I plop my lunch tray down at our usual table.

Clove is the only friend I have from my innocent days; or my 'BJ' days, as Clove calls it. Before Jace. She's the closest thing I have to being a normal teenage girl. We even have sleepovers, granted they usually end up with Jake coming and picking us up and dragging us into something troublesome.

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