Do You Remember?

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I felt my phone buzz beside me and I reached for my phone. I opened the text that Lynn sent me.

Lynn: i got saturday off! we're still on right?

Me: yeah :) if we're watching horror movies don't be surprised when i hold on to u for dear life

Lynn: i'll have to make sure we watch some horror movies then

I bit my lip and sat up on my bed.

Me: sounds good to me.

Lynn: awesome. see you tomorrow :)

I put my phone on my nightstand and pulled the covers over myself, lying my head on my fluffy white pillows. I closed my eyes and thought about the next day, and how I couldn't wait to see Lynn.


I got to the store right on time the next day, wearing black jeans and a frnkiero andthe cellabration t-shirt. Lynn and I arrived at the same time and I unlocked the front door, closing it behind us.

"Okay, so today we have to decorate the store for Halloween," I announced, heading to the back to bring out a box of decorations that we hung up yearly. I placed it on the front counter.

"Ooh, fun," Lynn stated, opening the box. She reach in and pulled out some lanterns, fake pumpkins, cobwebs, and some other things. I took out some of those markers you can draw on windows with and decided to put up a ghost this year. Lynn worked on hanging up the cobwebs, connecting them to the shelves and whatnot.

I started my drawing, going carefully.

It took me quite a while, but when I was finished, I looked behind me to see a bunch of decorations that Lynn had put up while I had been working. There were cobwebs up, along with the pumpkin lanterns that stretched across the ceiling. Lynn also put some fake pumpkins on top of the shelves, and placed a gravestone against the counter.

"Wow," I said, surprised.

"I've always loved decorating for Halloween, so.." she trailed off. I smiled at her. "It's amazing."

She looked behind me at the ghost I had drawn on the window. I tried to make it more of a cartoon, since I didn't have the energy to make specific details. "That's really good. Do you draw anything else?" She wondered, glancing at me. I shrugged. "Yeah, but I haven't had much inspiration lately," I responded, setting the window marker back in the box. "You should draw more," she told me.

It wasn't raining, but it was definitely freezing and super overcast.

"Have you made any other friends here yet?" I wondered. Lynn breathed deeply beside me as we both looked outside the front window. We were both sitting on the cool floor, passing the time.

"Not really. I haven't gone out much besides work. Do you have many friends here?" She pondered.

"I have one or two, but other than that, I just kind of stay home or go to work. But I don't mind it," I said, playing with my bracelets. I set my hands down in my lap and continued watching the sky. Suddenly, I felt Lynn's hand touch mine again and I turned to look at her. She didn't say anything, just took my hand in hers and turned her attention back to the window.

There was something I loved about how she acted like that gesture was nothing, but there was also a part of me that didn't want that.

When have I ever known what I wanted though?

We stayed like that for a while, until someone entered the store. We both stood up quickly and took our usual spots. The girl wandered up to me. "Do you have any albums that you could recommend me? I'm looking for something new to listen to."

Ghosts {Lynn Gunn}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin