He's Your Neighbor pt 1

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I have a cute next door neighbor and I wish some of these imagines would come true. Too bad I'm too afraid to talk to him



Having a drummer as your next door neighbor would seem pretty cool, you could invite yourself over to his house and jam along with him. Maybe even drink a coke while watching him bang his drums, with beads of sweat running down his forehead as he continued to rehearse. That's what most people assume would happen if you ever happened to be neighbors with a drummer such as Ashton Irwin, but that stuff would only happen in cliche stories - this was reality, and none of that shit happened. In fact, you actually hated that you had him as your neighbor. Ashton would practice drumming the entire day, he would for a few minutes to take a little break and would continue right after, it was hard to concentrate on anything with him constantly banging those drums of his. And today was another one of those days, you had a huge quiz tomorrow in Biology and you knew nothing about science shit, so you had to study really hard tonight. You have been trying to study for these past two hours (key note: trying) but you simply couldn't, as Ashton was banging away on his drums again, disrupting the peace around the neighborhood as he did. You were literally pulling your hair out of frustration, he just kept drumming and he was getting to your nerves now. You groaned, deciding to give him a piece of your mind and stormed off in the direction of his house, knocking on the door and asking for entrance. His mum let you in without question, and you proceeded to make your way to his room, where he keeps his drum kit and at the same time, where he practices day and night. "You little-" You burst into his room, which made him drop his drumsticks in surprise. He was staring at you wide-eyed, and you couldn't help but stare at his sweaty figure and his biceps that seemed larger than most guys'. He was wearing that dumb red bandana that keeps his curls in place, and that grey ACDC singlet (which was also your favorite shir ton him) and you can't help but squeal, all your courage diminishing as he stood up from his seat, walking over to where you stood frozen. He leaned in towards you, smirking as he did so, "Hey love, what did you come here for?" You swallowed, you could feel his hot breath against your skin and you let out a gasp when his lips grazed your earlobe. "I-I just wanted to tell you that your drumming is great, yeah," You quickly blurted out, heartbeat racing as he pulled away slightly so his eyes could meet your own. "Thanks," he replied, his gaze falling to your lips. "Oh, fuck this." His lips were on yours soon after, and it didn't take much for you to start kissing him back.


"Sup," Michael greeted you, a usual smirk plastered on his pale face as he high fived you. Michael was your next door neighbor, he has been for the past three years and since he moved in, you two have become really great friends. You sat down beside the lilac haired boy, poking his cheek as he continued to strum a few chords on his acoustic guitar. "So, what did you call me here for?" Michael called you a little while ago, he sounded really excited and told you he wanted to show you something. He wouldn't tell you whatever it was, he said that it was gonna be a surprise and that you had to come over to see for yourself. And in the end, you did come over out of curiosity - you really wanted to know what Michael had to show you, he sounded like he really wanted you to see his surprise. Michael stopped strumming, and the smirk disappeared from his face. His green eyes bore into you, as he took a rather deep breath before expelling it slowly, blinking twice before looking at you tenderly. "I've been writing a little something, I just want you to listen to it and tell me what you think," he says, and you nodded in understanding. Michael began to strum on his guitar, humming a little bit before finally singing the words. "Not just a neighbor, oh hey there, I'll ring your bell," His eyes met yours, making heat rise to your cheeks as he continued staring at you with such intensity and concentration. "Open your door, pucker up and I'll kiss you well," You have heard Michael sing before, but somehow, this felt a little different. He used to only sing to you, but this feels like he's actually singing about you. "My lips are sealed, there's nobody that I would tell," he stopped playing, and his eyes were trained on your lips. You could feel your heart pounding against your chest as he set his guitar to the side, leaning in slowly. "Your secret's mine... close your eyes, and I'll make you melt," he sang softly, his hot breath on your upper lip by this time. You did as he said, or rather sang, and closed your eyes. His soft lips were on yours, his hands cupping either side of your face as you allowed him to make you melt, just as he said. You've never really had thoughts of kissing your best friend, but if you knew that kissing Michael would feel this good, you would have kissed him ages ago. His lips were extremely soft and the way they moved against yours made your knees weak. You pulled away from him slowly, blinking as your mind hasn't registered what just happened. You just kissed your best friend, and you liked it - he seemed to like it as well, he was just smiling there as if he won the lottery or something. "Um, the song was great," You giggled, punching him lightly on the arm. "The kiss was better though."

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