I fished the preferred weapon out of my back pocket, a wrench. Furiosa only allowed us to have a blunt object to use in case we needed to defend ourselves or possibly if the prisoners were being particularly stubborn at giving information. Femur gave me a side long glance of warning, reminding me that he was sworn to report back to Furiosa or any of the other imperators if I got too out of hand. I cast him an annoyed look that said, "Alright, I get it.".

I approached the man with the squint-y eyes, as he seemed to look the healthiest and the most able-bodied. I leaned down so he was forced to meet my gaze. He stank of guzzaline like all of the Gastown boys did.

"How did you all get into the Citadel?" I said, my voice deadly quiet.

The man's flat nose twitched with disgust, tipping his head away from me as if I could give him a disease.

"I said," I snarled, "How did you get into the Citadel?"

The man spit at me, his saliva splattering across my cheek and eye patch. I instantly saw this as my chance to inflict some damage. I reared back and smashed the end of my wrench into his gut. He doubled over, hacking and groaning.

"Feral!" Femur barked, yanking my arm away at the elbow.

I rolled my eyes, wiping away the wetness that clumped at my warpaint, "I was just playin' with 'im." I whined, stepping away from the Gastown boy, "How about you try, then?"

Femur gladly took a step forward, smacking his weapon, a section of pipe, into his open palm. He swept his stern gaze across the three men, "Now Feral here," he gestured to me with his chin, "Would love nothin' more than to beat ya all bloody." he smirked, "I'm the only one holdin' her back." he pointed to each of them with his pipe threateningly, "So I suggest you start talkin', or I may just have to turn a blind eye to 'er."

All of their gaze's flicked up to me, then to the man with spiky hair whom I already hit. he was still clutching his midsection and wheezing. I made sure to give them a convincing crazed grin, waving my wrench at them as if to taunt their fear. They all seemed to recoil a bit, daunted by my already limitless anger.

Serves them right, I thought furiously, thinking of Hummer's burned body.

"How did you get into the Citadel?" Femur growled.

The man with no teeth began to cackle. He threw his head back and let his raspy laughter fill the air. The sound was like raking knife tips down metal, and made me wince.

"Your Furiosa isn't a smart leader, is she?" he squawked, "Immortan Joe would have all of the entrances blocked by now! Your empire will fall without his protection."

I felt the reckless fury building inside of me. My hands gripped the tool in my hands so hard my blackened hands were showing white at the knuckles. Even Femur scowled at the man at his words.

"Humor me, then." Femur snapped, "How did ya manage to sneak into our caves without anyone seein' ya?"

The man with the flat nose snorted, "Obviously we were seen. Otherwise we wouldn't be sittin' here."

The urge to crush this man's skull was growing stronger, making me grit my teeth, "I don't 'ave a problem killin' you guys." I spat, "See as none o' ya seemed ta 'ave a problem murdering my apprentice." The words had pushed themselves past my teeth before I could think about it, "So I'm gonna ask ya one more time, how did ya get into the Citadel?"

The bulky man with the dirty skin looked afraid now. I suppressed the glee in my veins at his fear. He shifted uncomfortably under my stare, and I took a step towards him threateningly. He winced,

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