Chapter 21 Meaningless Words

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(pictured is Rebekka) 

                Another few months passed and Kelsey still didn’t speak to us. Whether it was because she was to wore out to speak to us or if she was just that made still, we didn’t know. Kathleen and I paced in the room that we shared at my house. Even Ed was mad at Kathleen for what we had done but he still let her live with him, which we were thankful for.

                There wasn’t much to talk about. Everything just felt like meaningless words. “I’m sorry.” I muttered. “Such a useless phrase, isn’t it?”

                Kathleen nodded slightly. “Yeah. I mean… it’s two words with less meaning than the most meaningless word in the world…” she sighed quietly and held her head in her hands.

                “I think the phrase was made just to make people feel like they are making up. It doesn’t do a damn thing in reality.” I said and sat down across from her at the table.

                “That’s so true.” she muttered and closed her eyes.

                No matter how many times we said sorry, we’d never forgive ourselves, even if Kelsey did. “I heard she’s got a lot of medical problems now…” Kathleen told me quietly.

                “Seriously? Why am I the only one who doesn’t know this?”

                “Because I read your text message from Jackson and forget to tell you about it.”

                “Jackson? How does he know?”

                “He was there a few months ago…”

                “Wait. He text me that a few months ago and you’re just now bringing it up?”

                “Yeah…. sorry.” she said quietly.

                “Again with the sorry!” I muttered.

                “Well there isn’t really another word to take its place…”

                “That’s true I guess…”

                We sat there in awkward silence for a few minutes while she tapped the table with her fingers. “Maybe we could sing?!” I asked.

                “Nah. That’s to One Direction… It’s their thing not ours.”

                “So what should we do?”

                “I don’t even know…”

                Then Ed walked in with Harry. “Landon called again. He said that Kathleen is under arrest…” Ed said and moved aside as cops walked into the house.

                “What!?” she said as they brought her to her feet.

                “You’re under arrest for being an accomplice to murder.” a cop said before telling her what her rights were.

                Great. One of my friends was going to prison and the other one hated my guts. Next thing you know I’ll be sent to a nut house. Harry looked at the floor as they pulled Kathleen out. “Please tell me that Kelsey wasn’t arrested to!” I pleaded.

                “She wasn’t and won’t be. She was found innocent on grounds that she had nothing to do with Kathleen or her friend during the time of the murder, even if she was in Virginia.” he said quietly.

                “Then why so glum?” I asked.

                “I don’t know. Just meaningless words that are drifting around in my mind I guess.” he shrugged to me.

                “What kind of meaningless words? Because we were saying how ‘I’m sorry’ was a meaningless phrase.”

                “Not that one. I don’t really have anything to be sorry for. Well, I’ll see you later, Weasley.” he said and turned to Ed.

                “Later, Potter.” he smiled sadly to his best friend.

                Ed sat down at the table as Harry left. Things could hardly get worse. “Next thing you know I’ll get sent to a mental hospital.” I muttered.

                “Why do you say that?” Ed asked curiously.

                “My two best friends are either going to prison or won’t talk to me.” I sighed.

                “Would you stop being so down on yourself! You haven’t even tried to go over and see Kelsey! Don’t you think that should have been the first thing you did when you got back from the tour? Or even come back when you found out she had left?” he snapped.

                “What is everyone’s problem with me recently!?”

                “You let the attention go to your head and started acting like a spoiled brat and you brought my sister down with you. That’s what my problem is with you.”

                “Okay well what’s Zayn’s problem? And Louis and Liam’s?”

                “You know what their problem is. You were the reason their friend left the tour. You’re the reason she’s still stressed. If you and Kathleen hadn’t lied in that video diary none of this would have happened!”

                “Oh so it’s back to that again is it?”

                “It’s always been that!”

                Was it really all because of the video diary we had lied in? Could that really have been the entire reason this all had started? Meaningless words may not fix this… But maybe a public announcement will. “Ed? Get the boys. I have an idea…” I said quietly.

                “No. You have to fix this on your own. The boys aren’t going to be part of any of your plans. They don’t need it to backfire on them.” he said.

                Okay, yeah, just send me to that mental hospital now.

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