Chapter 19 Lessons (Part 2)

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(pictured is Paris)

                It’s been five days since Kelsey got all those medications and she’s been taking them. I’ve been cooking her huge meals and cut our jogs to ever three days, hoping that helps with her weight. She’s been eating them without complaint, but I can tell she is still miserable. She hates not being with her brother and I know that better than anyone. She hates being away from him as much as I hate being away from Westley.

                She was sitting in her room quietly when I went to check on her. I knocked on the door lightly and received a come in. Slowly, I opened the door and found her sitting on her bed staring at a poster across from her. It was a One Direction poster. She must have been thinking about Harry again. “You okay, kiddo?” I asked, sitting next to her.

                “No.” she said with a shrug.

                “Do you want to talk about it?” I said softly, taking her hand in mine.

                “Not really…”


                “I know you won’t leave unless I do.”

                “Damn straight. So what’s in that pretty little head of yours?”

                “I miss them… Harry and Niall and Liam and Louis and Zayn…” she said quietly.

                “Of course you do. Their like family to you since you met them.” I reminded her.

                “I know but… I mean I miss them a lot. More than I did when I was in America…”

                “Why now?”

                “I don’t know… Maybe it’s just all this medicine I have to take, but I’m just getting so emotional recently.”

                I sighed and hugged her tightly, not letting go until she hugged me back. “I’m sure it’s not the medicine. I think you’ve just had things bottled up for so long and you’re just releasing it with the stress.”

                “You mean you don’t think I’m crazy?”

                “I know you aren’t crazy, Kelsey. I think you’re just having a hard time coping with things right now. You rely on Harry more than you know. He helps you express yourself when you have bottled up emotions. That’s why you guys fought on the bus that first day. You both had some bottled up emotions you needed to relieve and you did it together. That’s why you made up so easily. You weren’t mad at each other, just about other things.”

                She nodded against my chest lightly as her phone rang. “I’ll get it. You lay down.” I said softly and got up to pick up her phone.

                “Hello?” I said, holding it between my shoulder and ear.

                “Who is this?” a man asked.

                “Paris. I’m Kelsey’s security.” I replied calmly.

                “Ah, then you’ll do fine to relay a message to her when she can use her own phone.” the man said.

                “Go on.”

                “My name is Landon, I’m her private investigator. It would appear Kathleen knows another suspect we are interviewing.” 

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