Chapter 6 Explanations

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(pictured is Jackson)

                I sat down on the floor at Kelsey’s feet and waited for someone to start explaining. Several minutes passed and nothing. “Someone? Anyone? Explain what the heck is going on?” I said calmly.

                “Well… My name is Kelsey Styles…” she said quietly.

                “And I’m Kathleen Sheeran and I’m a ginger!” she beamed.

                “And I’m Jackson. Am I the only one who is who they claimed to be?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.

                “I never lied. I took my exchange family’s name for the time I was staying with them! Security didn’t want people knowing who we were. WE didn’t even know who the other was. We never met until that time in Virginia.” Kelsey told me.

                “Why didn’t anyone bother telling me sooner?” I asked seriously, watching them give each other looks only they understood.

                “Like Kelsey said, security reasons. If someone had found out we could have been kidnapped or attacked or used.” Kathleen said softly.

                I could tell they were trying to make it sound less like a lie, but it wouldn’t stop seeming like that. “You lied. That’s the gist of the things. And if you lied about who you are, then for all I know, you could be lying about everything else. Like did you actually kill that girl?”

                They both got horror struck looks across their faces and looked at each other. Kathleen stood angrily. “Get out of my house. Now.”

                “Kat, please! He didn’t mean it.” Kelsey said, taking her hand and standing herself.

                I stood as well and looked between them. “Yes. I did.”

                Kelsey looked at me. “Hazza! Get this jerk out of here!” she called to her brother. “Later, single boy.”

                The two girls wrapped their arms around each other as I heard the door behind me fly open. “You heard them. Get out.” the brunette boy said.

                “With pleasure.” I growled and walked past him and down the steps.

                When I got outside I found my luggage on the street and the limo was nowhere in sight. “Call a taxi!” Kelsey screamed out of the window upstairs that was facing the street.

                I rolled my eyes and picked up my suitcase and book bag before walking down the street. Luckily, I had map-quested my way from the address she had given me and had it in my bag. As I walked down the street a car drove past and through a puddle, soaking me to the skin. “REALLY!?” I shouted, turning and giving the car the finger.

                The car stopped and a man got out, walking over. “I am so sorry. I’m just in a hurry to meet up with a friend of mine.” he said.

                I knew his voice from somewhere, but I wasn’t sure where, but the accent should have hinted to me who he was. “Aren’t you in that one band? It’s uh… With that Harry guy?” I asked.

                “Uh, yeah. Styles? He’s my best mate.” he nodded slightly.

                “I’m out then.” I said and walked away.

                He followed me and stood in my path. “You got a problem with Harry?” he asked.

                “Not him. His sister and her friend.” I explained. “They’re a bunch of liars. Don’t get mixed up with them.”

                “Kelsey? Liar? No. She never been dishonest a day in her life. When she went to the States she even changed her name.” he told me.

                “She did change her name? I thought she was just making that up.”

                “Why would she make something like that up? Wait… You’re that Jackson guy she was talking about the other day!” he realized suddenly.

                “She was talking about me?”

                “Kelsey was telling us all these amazing things about you. Said that your sense of humor was outlandish but in a good way. Her brother was really looking forward to meeting you, but I can guess that things uh… didn’t go so well.”

                “Not really… What’s your name?”

                “Niall. Niall Horan.” he smiled and held his hand out.

                I shook his hand briefly. “I have to go check in at my hotel. It was nice to meet you, Niall.”

                He nodded and got back in his car, driving the rest of the way to the house I had just left. I watched quietly as the door opened and Kelsey wrapped her arms around Niall’s neck. She liked him. That much I could tell. But I could also tell she liked that Ed guy. She was caught in the middle of the two and she didn’t want to hurt either of them so she was staying friends with the both of them. What I didn’t know, was how long she had actually known Ed. If I had known, I probably wouldn’t have assumed that much at once and gone back for her, but I didn’t. I was an idiot and kept going to my hotel.

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