Chapter 9 Rebekka Arrives

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  • Dedicated to Bekka Foreverr-Lette Morazzano

(the picture is of Rebekka AKA Bekka)

                It’d been a few days since I last talked to either Kelsey or Kathleen, but when my brother told me they were related to famous people, I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. My friends were related to famous people! And I was friends with them before I even knew it, which meant they knew I wasn’t a fake friend.

                I thought about it the entire flight and ride from the airport. Kelsey and Kathleen had picked me up and we were going to dinner alone. When I had stepped off the plane I felt two pairs of arms around me instantly. “Bekka! I missed you!” Kelsey whispered, hugging my tightly.

                Kathleen was hugging me tightly as well. “I missed you guys too!” I told them as I hugged them both back tightly.

                “You aren’t mad at us for not telling you are you?” Kelsey asked suddenly.

                I figured she was referring to Jackson. “Of course not. I understand completely why you couldn’t tell us… Jackson is just a bit over sensitive. I’m sure he’ll calm down soon.” I promised her.

                “That’s up to him if he does or not. I’m half expecting him to go home before the week is over.” Kelsey shrugged.

                “Why? He told me after he checked into his hotel that he was going to try to mend things with you…

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