I rocked JJ softly, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry too but what do you want me to do about it?" I asked. He hesitated "Why don't you just forget about him?"  Rocky said. I clutched JJ slightly, what he'd said just took me by surprise. How on earth was I supposed to forget Hunter? I kind of wanted to get angry at Rocky because I love Hunter with all my heart but putting myself in Rocky's position, it isn't really the one thing you'd wanna hear. I forced a watery grin.



It really wasnt as easy as I tried to make it seem. Some days I'd almost call Rocky Hunter or I'd get mad at him because he didn't do the things that Hunter did - or didnt do. The most frustrating time of my life ever. JJ grew up quickly enough to recognise Rocky and would always hold his llittle arms up so Rocky could pick him up. I sat there miserably, wishing it was Hunter...

"Uh, Earth to Rain! You alive?" Rocky asked, waving his hands in front of my face. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at him. JJ was in his arms, as usual, both of them smartly dressed. "What?" I asked him. "You ready?" "Ready for what?" I asked. He frowned. "We're going to my mom's, remeber?" he replied. "Oh, right. Yeah, of course." I really, really, really, did not want to go and meet his mom. I kew she'd be diffrent to Hunter's Mom and it's gonna kill me like crazy. I just know it.

As soon as we got to his parent's house, I knew I was going to hate it. The house was all posh and done up all nice nd glamours. Theyre deffo gonna look down on me and boy was I right. I clutched JJ to me carefully and made sure to finger comb his hair quickly and wipe any stray crumbs from his mouth and smoothing down my tight black dress. Rocky smiled at me, clearly thinking I was trying to impress his parents. No, I was just making sure that his mother didnt have anything to point out.

She was this big, black woman and even though she was over-weight, she still wore all these expensive looking clothes and jewled diamonds everywhere and her hair curled into perfection. "Rocson! Oh, my baby! Your'e home!" She said loudly on the porch. Rocky laughed nervously. "Only she calls me that." He aid quietly to me. I forced back a smile. 

"Hey, mama." Rocky said hugging her tight. "This is, Rain. The girl I've been telling you about." He said, stepping in with me into the warm luxurious house and putting his arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple. His mom looked at me and then looked at JJ in my arms and gasped. "A baby? Already? Rocson! You aint never told me I had a grandbaby! He his beautiful, lemme hold this precious child"  his mom started, she looked genuinely happy and then plucked JJ from my arms and into her own. How very awkward.

"Oh, sorry, Miss. Uhm, He's not Rocky's baby." I said quietly. His mom's eyes snapped up from JJ to me. JJ was looking up intently at her and when he decided he didnt like her, his bottom lip pushed out and trembled and he started crying. "What do you mean it aint his baby?" she asked sharply, looking from me to Rocky. Rocky scratched the back of his head.

"Uhm, mama, Rain had a baby before I met her." he said nervously. Rocky's mom looked down at the screaming baby and then handed him back to me roughly. Then she sniffed. "Impure child." She muttered. But it was loud enough for me to hear. And the fact that I didnt know whether she was talking about me or JJ made it hurt even more. Both words stung like crazy. Then she turned her back on us "Dinner's set." she said and carried on walking, her thighs wobbling about in her stupid tight skirt.

Rocky looked at me apologetically as tears started forming in my eyes. "Here lemme take him." he said softly. "No, its okay." I said holding JJ away from him. I patted JJ on his back as he whimpered. We walked down the polished, high quality, hallway that you'd only see in magazines and made our way to the  dinning room in silence.

"Rain, I'm so sorry. I didnt know -"

"Save it, Rocky."

At this point, I wanted to turn back, jump in his car, ride all the way back across town and find a loving atmosphere in another house. I wanted to but I couldnt. 

A/N: Yo, it's been donkey years, I know. -.- but I simply didnt have time - exams and alla that jazz. Right now I'm giving up Geography revision or this so betta be grateful, y'all! :D & I heard that some people aren't familiar with the term *Nursery. It's basically daycare. That's it. Aint no rocket science :L loool Anyhoo, hope you guys liked this! Go check out my other stories My British Mate and We're Werewolves Bro: updates soon, darlings!

OH! and follow my girl AlphaIzzy, she's a new writer (With the same name as me!) and I promised her I'd give her a shout out! So go check out her story My Brother's Best Friend's Brother. It's actually pretty awesome - no lie! 

So yeah,

Peace,Love&Cookies :) x

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