A Favor

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I sit in class , waiting to leave. Damn I can't stand this class. Last class. No one can. It seems like it goes on forever, but that's not why I can't stand it. I can't stand the people who are in my class. They are all so ugh, can't even explain it. But it is what it is.



"class dismissed"

"I have been waiting to here those words all day long. Finally." Just as i was leaving Ms.Cardell stopped me. "Jay"

"Ms.tims the reading teacher said she had a project for you to do."

"what is it?'

"im not sure go talk to her about it."

"ok." with that being said, I started walking to the reading room . I love ms.Tims she is the best teacher ever . SO i was really excited to find out what she had for me to do. With Ms.Tims you never know. She might ask me to reconstruct the Great Wall of China. Or...who knows.

As I walked into the the reading room, I saw ms.Tims sitting at her desk. She didn't seem to notice me. So I made a lot of extra noise as I walked in. She heard me and apologized for not noticing me sooner. I really didn't mind. She told me to have a seat. I was skeptical but, what harm could she do. As I took my seat she began to tell me about the assignment.

"Jay I want you to do me a favor"

"Sure of course anything"

"You're not doing to well in my class. You have a C average. I would like for you to do well and go to a good college so I came up with this project. You write me a essay on anything. I'll give you 2 A's for it."

When she said that I completely paused. I wasn't sure how to respond. I didn't know how I had a C in her class. I thought I was doing well. I didn't want to do it. But, regardless I agreed. I needed it.

Little did I know, I was getting myself into something real deep that I had no idea of.

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