Chapter 3 On The Island

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"Where are we? No! The boat! How do we get back now?" Octavia asked trying to sit up straight grabbing her shoes.

"I knew this was a bad idea from the start! How did you trick me into going onto the boat?!" Aisha fussed with her fist in a hand looking at Raine.

"What? Me?! What happened to 'you have to loosen up a bit and relax'? This could be a fun experience." Raine mocked.

"Give me one good reason how this could be a fun experience." Octavia demanded.

"Well, we could learn some stuff about this cool island and two, we might meet some people our age, or just people." Raine got up, dusted the sand off her clothes and the side of her face and walked to a piece of ripped blue fabric of a branch. "See, look at this."

"Awesome! You found some fabric! What does that mean? Maybe that was someone years ago, for all we know whoever or whatever made that could be dead, they could've escaped, be injured or sick." Aisha complained. "Oh, and would you look at that! The sun is setting! Wait a minute, where's my hat?" She started frantically looking around the beach for her hat.

"Aisha, that direction is east and I don't have to be a nerd like my sister Raine."


"To know that that is where the sun rises. So, we probably have a good day to get prepared for the night. So Rai, what should we expect from this island?"

"Well..." she started, still annoyed of her sister. "We should see a lot of different kinds of animals like monkeys, ferrets, bats, all kinds of birds-"

"I think she means what we can eat, where we should camp and what animals should we stay away from!" Aisha interrupted grabbing her book bag.

"Oh. Well I'm guessing maybe some tigers, poisonous insects and snakes would be the worst. These look like jungle trees here, maybe some bamboo trees in some places, coconut trees along the beaches and some pine trees up that snowy mountain." Raine waved her hand around the air. "I think that there would be some melons, bananas, coconuts, mangos, vines, not to eat of course and maybe some grapes. That's just a guess."

Aisha and Octavia stared at Raine like she was a stranger with a glass eye, deformed glasses, fluffy rainbow hair and wearing a clown suit. "What?" they said at once.

Raine slapped her hand against her face. "Okay, I'm now a how-to-survive book. Octavia, you are great with heavy lifting so you will be making a house for the night. You should use some bamboo. After that, start working on making some platforms in the trees for a house. We can use it for as long as we are on this island. While you are making the temporary house, Aisha and I would be exploring. Okay?"

Octavia nodded and Aisha put down her fist and spoke. "Okay. One can we go swinging on vines and two, what about the boat? Shouldn't we get all the useful stuff out before it floats away or sinks?"

"Yeah Aisha, you're right. Raine, you explore, I will build and Aisha could get as much stuff out of the boat. Sounds good?"

"Alright, and while I'm out, I can bring something to collect fruits. I remember when you were looking through the cupboards, there was this sack. Maybe I should bring that." Raine suggested.

"Okay, good thinking. Also, if you see that person wearing a blue shirt, bring them here. Okay? They 'might' be useful." Aisha joked.

Raine started walking towards the boat. "Okay, I will. Hey, wait." She said stopping, Aisha and Octavia turned around to see her. "If someone else was here, maybe they built a place to stay in. I could try to find something that would resemble a house."

"Good thinking, now stop talking you two and help me empty this boat."


"That took a long time." Octavia said holding a blue clock. The arrows pointed to 9:16. Around when they started she saw the clock, they took a good two hours for cleaning out the boat. "Here Raine, I found these watches in a drawer. Can you turn around where ever you are around twelve?"

"Okay. Hey, where did Aisha go? We agreed that we would help her, but once we turned our backs, she was nowhere to be found."

"Ya, you're right. Now you have one other thing to look for. Aisha."

"Okay, when I find her, I'll turn around and come back with her." And with that Raine grabbed the bag, threw it over her shoulder and headed towards the jungle, then yelled back, "I promise."

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