Chapter 49: Thorin goes to time-out

Start from the beginning

"Why wouldn't you? You are far superior to me in all aspects. If anything, I do not deserve you...What can you possibly see in me?" Thorin asks with an insecurity that seems to go against his whole character. Usually this dwarf king has his chin-raised with poignant confidence, but right now his eyes hold weakness and inferiority.

"Under those travel-worn clothes, layers of built muscle, and handsome facade, you are nothing more than a dwarf of past struggles. They have shaped you and made you the wonderful leader that you are today. When I look at you, I see a wise dwarf with a heart as large as Erebor. I see a dwarf who will be a perfect king" I respond, hesitating at the end, only to add in, "...The exterior only helps your cause."

I smirk at Thorin who looks at me in awe and a renewed confidence. It has become blatantly obvious that in moments of weakness, we are able to put each other back together. That's what makes us a perfect pair.

Thorin does not respond to my words, but attacks my lips with hunger. He kisses me roughly, yet with a permeating love, as he shifts his position to straddle my hips. I kiss him back with an equal passion, biting at his lip and pulling his head closer to mine. Thorin growls at me, opening his mouth for our tongues to battle as one of his hands holds my neck and the other draws circles on my bony hip. And for the first time ever, I win the battle and dominate his mouth with my own, rolling him over to take his place in straddling his hips. His hands hold my rear as I lean over and begin kissing down his neck, leaving love bites in the wake. I make it to his collarbone, his fingers brushing against my bare thighs, when a knock at the door breaks us apart. Thorin growls, loudly enough to be heard from outside, while sliding out from under me to answer.

I fall back in bed, pulling the sheets up to cover my nude legs, and await the opening of the door. Thorin stumbles a little as he makes his way over, grumbling about the lack of privacy and constant interruptions. It's all I can do to not laugh as he finally yanks open the large door, leaving Dwalin in my line of sight.

"Sorry to disturb you, my king, but I have a message from the Blue Mountains for you," Dwalin tells him, knowing that Thorin will want to hear from his family as soon as he can. The bald dwarf peeks around the king to look at me, who smiles on with glee.

"Hello, lassie!" he greets with a smile rarer than Thorin's. His hand rises to wave at me as I sit perched upon the very large bed in the center of the very large room. You would think that, given the size of dwarves, large rooms with high ceilings wouldn't be necessary. But as princesses go, Erebor only has rooms of large size, meant for giants.

"Good morning, Dwalin! Has the clean-up effort begun this morning?" I ask him, moving a bit further on the bed to fully meet Dwalin's eyes. The bald dwarf slides into the room, past Thorin who is lost in a letter, and closer to my covered side.

"Aye, they began at the break of dawn. Funeral is to be later today, outside in the gardens," Dwalin informs me. I nod along at the plans, keeping my face from falling at the reminder of my sibling's death. Though I am choosing to be happy for them, I still feel sorrow at their loss. It's only natural when you lose a loved one.

"Thorin and I will be out to help in a bit. I still need to teach him and the nephews how to fly and all, and this will be the perfect opportunity. Let me know if you need anything else, as I am happy to help," I respond with a genuine smile and excitement for today. I am curious as to what Thorin will look like in his Phoenix form. Will he have the royal blue feathers and larger size that comes with being Phoenix royalty? Or will he be smaller as he was not born into the birthright of a Phoenician?

"It's a letter from Dis. She and mum left with the news of Smaug's death and are traveling by horse. They should be here by two day's end, given the faster transportation," Thorin tells us, walking over to my side of the bed, eyes still stuck on the parchment within his hand. I smile at the news of meeting new people, but on the inside, I worry over whether I'll be accepted into their arms.

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