Chapter Twenty-Nine: January 4th 1971

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Flynn's point of view:

I ran as fast as I could to my mother's house. It was the night, and the lights of he house were all off. I knew she was probably asleep since it was so late and the baby was on its way. So I went to the doorway and found the door was unlocked. This was odd, because Jack was meticulous about locking the door when his daughter was inside the house with him.

When I walked in, I found that it was completely silent. No one was inside the living room, kitchen or bathroom. I looked in Jack's bedroom and found he wasn't in there asleep. This was when I recognized that something was, indeed, wrong. My heart began to race as my eyes widened and I ran into Elora's given bedroom. I switched the light on and was traumatized to find that she wasn't in there either. However, there was something in there that wasn't in before.

In front of the foot of Elora's bed was a small cradle, white and sheeted. I had recognized it as the one Hilda had given Elora for when the baby was born. It was handed down to her since Hilda definitely didn't need it anymore. I took careful steps from the doorway and into the room, where the bassinet stood solitary and intensely. When my eyes finally looked inside, I was greeted by the best and most terrible surprise I had ever had.

Inside were two, little baby girls and a envelope sitting between their sleeping bodies. I knew instantly that these two were my newborns, newborn daughters. I didn't know that she had twins, maybe she didn't know either until they came out. Elora wasn't there, but they were, which led me to believe that both her and her father were in ever present danger.

I took the envelope and opened it up, I found that it was a letter written by a KKK member, but he had gone unnamed for obvious reasons. I didn't have to read it to realize that they had taken Elora and Jack, leaving the babies alone with me to take care of. I didn't know what this meant, whether or not they were alive or not, but I felt my heart breaking repeatedly as I contemplated it. I took a heavy breath, psyching myself so I could read it, and then I finally went in.

Flynn Nash,

We have your wife. And now we have your father-in-law. You must think we are idiots if you believe we will ensure you where she is. Where's the fun it that?

We've left your two new children with you, as a parting gift from your wife. We are in no need of accidental babies with no prior use. Think of them as a collateral. You take your children, and we will have your wife. An eye for an eye, so to speak. We believe you will not plan on coming after us now that your children are at stake. Believe us, it was getting exhausted having to always think of where you were.

Please know that now that we have her, we no longer wish to chase after your family. We were never after you to begin with, who needs you? It was all a plan to get a hold of Jack Horowitz. He is a prized specimen after all, and your wife truly is a beautiful new addition to our organization. Please note that both of them are alive...for now.

The Klan.

My eyes left the letter and it dropped to the ground and out of my hands as I felt myself begin to shake. I breathed in and out, exhaled and inhaled, but there was nothing to calm me down. I wanted to scream, but the only reason I didn't was because of the sleeping babies inside the crib. I didn't want to deal with them crying as well, there was too much agony for me in that. It was one thing to have me upset, but to have my new daughters in tears, that wasn't allowed.

I left the letter on the floor and walked closer to the crib. I stared down at them, gorgeous and peaceful. Both of them sound asleep and without a care in the world. They didn't know where they were born into, and what horrible things happened while they made their existence aware in the world. I had to envy them for this, all they depended on was having someone to love and care for them, and I knew that would have to be me until Elora was found and safe again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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