Chapter Ten: October 6th, 1969

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Elora's point of view:

Whoever this man was, he was taking us to the surprise Flynn had in store for me. I kept holding his hand tightly. I was beginning to feel a little afraid of where we were going. It couldn't be anywhere too dangerous, but I didn't know with Flynn. He seemed to be the type of man to be unpredictable. He'd never danger me though, would he? I mean, he was the only reason I was still comfortable with this. Holding his hand was the only way I could be at ease.

Flynn helped me step onto a platform as we followed the mysterious man. I didn't know who he was, and not once did Flynn say his first or last name. He sounded young, maybe a few years older than Flynn. That was all I could get from him. I asked Flynn who he was, and he said he was a friend from high school years and years ago. He graduated nearly eleven years ago, so they just go way back. Even if Flynn knew the man, he still made me nervous because I couldn't see him or where he was leading us to.

"Alright. We're here," the man said as we stopped on the cement platform. I felt as Flynn let go of my hand and took the blindfold off my eyes. I was able to see what was ahead of me, and it was the man that had led us around. He was taller, with shaggy brown hair and soft brown eyes. His skin was tan and his smile was kindhearted and quite approachable. He had to be the same age as Flynn.

"Hello, Elora. My name is Kevin. Here, would you follow me please?" He asked. I nodded and Flynn and I kept following him. I took a breathe as he stopped in the middle of a grassy area. "If you please, turn around," he said to us.

I turned around and I was greeted by the most amazing thing in the world. There I was, standing about twenty feet away from the Lincoln Memorial. My eyes widened as I eyed the massive and gargantuan statue that stood before me of president Lincoln. I had never been here before. This was simply fantastic! Flynn really knew how to make me feel special, and to take away how tired I was from him waking me up at one in the morning. My body turned and I smiled brightly at Flynn.

"This is amazing! Did you plan this?" I asked happily. He nodded as him and Kevin walked up to me. I was standing around like a perplexed child seeing an amazing monument for the first time. In a way, I kind of was.

"You want to see it?" Flynn asked. My eyes widened as I looked up at him. I didn't even know if we were allowed to do that at this time of night. The museum didn't open for at least another few hours.

"Can we do that?" I asked. He chuckled and turned to Kevin, who showed me a little badge he carried behind his suit jacket.

"I'm the new curator. I have the power to pull strings every once in a while. I'll let you two go along as long as you don't make trouble," he replied. This truly was an adventure! This man was letting us parade around the Lincoln Memorial as we pleased, no crowds of tourists taking pictures or children running around where they shouldn't. It was just us, just Flynn and I, and it was perfect.

"Come on!" Flynn said as he grasped my hand and pulled me to the statue. When we came close to it, I realized just how massive the memorial was. It was huge! How could something be so big and make me feel so small? There was no understanding the ways of size and how something so much bigger than you could make you feel like a simple speck of dust in the winds of the universe.

"It's so beautiful," I whispered. To see a monument like this, to have it straight at you for the whole of your vision to drink it, well it was absolutely astonishing. There was no others words for it. All it was was complete and total hopefulness as you gazed up at this splendorous sight.

"Do you want to climb it?" He asked. I quickly turned my head to him. Was he insane?! Even with Kevin allowing us to go here, he was gone and we certainly did not have permission to climb this. However, it was part of the adventure, wasn't it? That was what Flynn was doing. He was taking me on a dangerous journey that was fun at the same time! So, maybe I shouldn't react worrisome for this night? Should I just let the spontaneity take me over? I think so.

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