Prologue: Unknown Date

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Elora's point of view:

When someone is after you, the world doesn't seem as big anymore. There's a limitation everywhere you look. Even as the clouds float around you and never seem to come back. There are only so many places you can wander before someone tracks you down and corners you. When that happens, all you have left is to fight.

This is a message to my family, to all the others that were important to me, to my Flynn. There was never a day I didn't think about you when I was gone. Never a day I didn't love him as he tried to save me, never a day I didn't want to be back with you. I didn't want to run away, but I had to, Flynn told you this already. I wish he was still with me like before. I never wanted to give any of you up, but I'd rather you remain unharmed with me out of your life than have you walk on eggshells and have me around.

I'm sorry to have you all upset that I'm gone, but there's nothing I can do. They keep coming, and they're drawing in close. I don't have a lot of time before I am never seen again by anyone. I have messages for all of you that I need to say before I'm gone forever.

To my mother, I love you. For every word you spoke to me was gentle, heartfelt and informative. You gave me all a child needed to comprehend compassion and morality. You held me when I couldn't sleep and fed me when I was hungry. You made sure I was clean and looked nice, made sure I liked the way I was. You were the one to give me all the confidence I would need to help me grow successfully.

To my father, you were the best of them all. You let me do your make up with all of mom's old stuff, you let me play outside with you, you kept the bad boys away from me. You did nothing but good for me, I just wished you could have done more for this one. But how could you? I was out the door before you even knew what was happening. I just want to say that you were the best father any girl could have, and not only did you do all you could to raise me right, but you succeeded. Thank you for being my dad, I'll never stop loving or thinking about you.

To my brother, Jacob, and his son whom I didn't get the chance to know well, I'll miss you forever. You were my only brother, the only one I would have. You fought for your sisters, even if you didn't want to. You were our protector when dad wasn't around to help, you made sure we had what we needed, no matter what measures you had to take. All you ever had to do was be there and I was fine. You and I didn't fight, you only fought with Lorelei, and even then, you didn't stop loving her. You would die for Lorelei, and you would fight for the rest of us.

To Lorelei, my youngest sister, the girl soldier in our family besides mom. You were the reason I had humour in my life, the reason I had something to laugh about. You made me happy any way you could, and you were always capable of cheering me up when I was upset or sad. I couldn't understand how you always managed to smile, but you had that from mom. You would always see the good in something, no matter how malicious or evil it was, you knew there was a reason for it, that at some point that thing or person was good. I wished that I could be that way, but I was incapable of it, so I embraced it when I heard it from you. I love you so much Lorelei, please, always know that I did even when it seemed like I didn't care.

To her husband, Mihn Láhn, thank you for marrying my sister. You knew how hard life could be and yet you had this brightness to you that everyone wanted to feed off. You didn't let anything get in the way of your happiness, you were always protecting Lorelei when she went off on her own little side adventure. There was never a day that I didn't see you standing by her side, ready to either love her or jump into action when she needed to be pulled out of a mess she couldn't get herself out of. It made me know that the thickest of quicksand couldn't stop you from grabbing her and saving her life. You proved that to all of us more than once in the time I knew you.

To my grandfather, who made my mother the woman she is today, you'll never lose that love I have for you. As a father, you were amazing, as a grandfather, you were twice as great. I remember when I was seven, and I fell in the lake when my parents were trying to load the rest of my siblings in the car to go back home. You saw me, and despite your age, you dove into that water and pulled me out. You saved my life the first time it was ever threatened, and that I'll always have in my mind even when it's old and not as effective.

To my grandmother, whom of which I didn't know. For the longest time we thought you weren't around, that you had died before my oldest sibling Emmaleigh could even be born. Yet, as Lorelei and my parents busted their way through the violent Vietnam, you stayed watch to make sure we were all okay. I didn't know who you were, and I didn't have the chance to meet you, but you helped me nonetheless. I feel I should thank you.

To my two remaining sisters, Carina and Emmaleigh, I will never forget you. You were the only girls that accepted me when others didn't. You knew what happened to me, what I did instead of stay home. Neither of you, or Lorelei, judged me. You loved me no matter what I chose to do. That's more than anyone could do for someone, that was all I needed to be happy and to feel as loved as I could. Thank you for loving me like no other girls did.

Finally, to Flynn Nash, my one and only true love. You were the light of my life and the firework in my sky. All you did I fell in love with. You were tough, hardened by war and the death of your father, tattoos weren't the only scars on your body. Even then, it made me love you. You were my king, my leader and my sun and moon. You'd unthaw my frozen hopes and fire them up to go as strong as an ox. Every time you spoke my name I felt new, refreshed. I love you so much that I can't even stand it. Always know that the help you gave me in this ordeal was more than what I had thought I would receive, you did beautifully, and made me see that there are people out there that are capable of loving unconditionally. Thank you, my Flynn, I love you.

I love you all...

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