Chapter Twenty-Seven: June 28th, 1970

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Elora's point of view:

When Flynn pulled into an unknown driveway. The house was nothing to call home about, regular and middle class suburban. This didn't seem like a place Flynn would know about, but he always seemed to surprise me.

"What is this place?" I asked. He had a darkened look on his face as he pulled into the driveway and shut the car off. He left his seat and opened mine and helped me out. I stared up at the house as he motioned for me to follow him.

Flynn knocked on the wooden door and a few seconds later, a woman answered the door. She was about average height, with pale, clear skin and shivering dark eyes. Her hair was short with blondes and browns all around it. She looked to be about twenty or so years older than Flynn, late fifties maybe. She was very pretty, especially for a woman her age. She almost reminded me of one of the celebrities in Hollywood that focused on looks and defying the aging process. She had an icy stare directed at Flynn as we stood at her doorstep. All I could wonder was who this woman was and how Flynn knew her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him. I stood there beside Flynn in silence as I waited. They definitely were not friends nor accomplices. It was clear that they may as well have been pure enemies. So why were we here? I didn't understand how he thought this was a place we could go for safety if the owner didn't even like him.

"I need your help, and if you won't do it for me, do it for your grandchild," Flynn said. My eyes went wide as he said this. When I took a second look at the woman I realized who she really was. Oh my God, this was Flynn's mother.

"Grandchild?" She asked. This was when she eyed me and I became even more antsy. If she didn't like Flynn than she certainly wouldn't appreciate me or the unborn child I may or may not be carrying. I had heard stories about Flynn's mother, and they weren't pretty. The way she treated him made me hate her just as much as he did, and if we had to stay with her I hoped the stay wouldn't be miserable.

"Yes. This is my wife, Elora Horowitz. Elora, this is my mother, Rowan Sergeant," he said. I put my hand out for her to shake but she ignored it and I pulled back.

"Call me Ro. So what do you need?" Rowan asked. I didn't know why Flynn was under the impression she would help us at all. She obviously didn't want to associate with him at all if she didn't even try to be a part of her son's life. She didn't even know he was married!

"A place to stay for Elora," he said, "I'm not going to be there." My eyes darted to Flynn and I turned my head. What did he mean he wouldn't be here? He wasn't leaving me was he?

"What do you mean you won't be here? Where are you going?" I asked, cutting into the conversation. Rowan stood at the doorway waiting. Flynn didn't seem to be affected by my stressful expression.

"I have to find these people. With you having a baby, I don't want you fighting anyone. I'm going to find Hilda and Harry, and we'll find them. You stay here where it's safe. They won't find you here," he said to me as he took my hands in his. I didn't want him to go, and as I shook my head I made it clear how I felt. I wanted to cry when I thought of what life would be like with no Flynn. I could barely stand two days without him, who knows how long he'll be gone now?

"No, don't leave me. Please, Flynn, can you stay here?" I asked, begged. Flynn shook his head despite my wishes for him to remain here with me. I had never felt so desperate for someone else to be with me than when Flynn told me he was leaving.

"No, I can't. If I'm here they'll look. At least if they know I'm away from you they won't think to look here. You can take care of yourself and I'll come back for you once the job is done," he said to me, "if my mother will take you." He turned his head to her and she froze in one spot as she was eyed again. There was a small moment of silence before she replied.

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