Chapter Twenty-Five: June 25th, 1970

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Hilda's point of view:

The day after we spoke to Arden, the three of us were on our way to the address in Washington. Max would be waiting for us at the end of the street. I was glad he agreed to help us since Jack couldn't do it, not with his leg. He was no doubt disappointed that he couldn't help with such a threatening job, but I informed him that Max would be doing it for him and he felt a little better about it, protection wise. He still wished he could've been there though, so we could be a team again.

After explaining all that to Jack, Harry and I went to the address. Emmaleigh wanted to stay back, overwhelmed by the sudden danger to her life if she would have continued with us. She said she was better off spending time with her father anyway. Harry and I didn't push for her to come, in fact we didn't even argue. I didn't want another one of my daughters putting themselves in danger. Not to mention Jack certainly needed some company, and Emmaleigh was glad to fill that space in.

Harry parked the car at the other end of the street in which the house was located. When we saw it, I almost felt that killers lived there. The house was in terrible condition, white and chipped from maltreatment. Windows were all covered with old, wrecked blinds from the inside, and the porch had a small, dirty table at the left side of it. There was also a broken porch swing that looked as though it hadn't been sat on for years. Bugs could be heard even from the distance Harry and I were at. The wings of moths, the clicking of the assorted beetles that crawled there, the webbing of spiders. It was absolutely disturbing.

Harry and I noticed Max's vehicle come up from the corner and park at the end of the street. I took a shaky breathe as he stopped the car and left it, closing the door as he moved over to where we were. He walked towards the passenger window where Harry was sitting and he knocked on the window. Harry rolled it down when I nodded at him to do so.

"Hilda, how are you darlin'?" He asked me. I tried my best to smile at him. He was such a good friend to us all. To just drop everything and go help someone in such a dangerous situation. I hoped my son and his would be the same kind of man Max was. Save for the two adult illegitimate children he had that his wife didn't know about.

"I'm alright. Max, this is Harry Gladwin. Harry, this is my old friend Max Keller," I introduced them. Harry and Max shook hands and said their hellos.

"Alright. So I suppose this house across there is the one we're lookin' for?" Max asked. I nodded and we watched the old and decrepit home a few metres away from us.

"That's the one. How do you suppose we should do this? We can't just knock and expect to be given information," I asked. Harry's arm hung over the edge of the car door, the open window letting warm air into the white Chevrolet Monte Carlo that Jack bought me for my birthday this year. I loved this car, it was one of my favourite gifts Jack had ever given me.

"You're right, we can't just ask to go in. Which is why we have to force ourselves in there," Harry replied. It had been a while since I had been in such an intense situation. I remember the Second World War, that was when I had done the most violent things towards people. Now it was time for me to come back just one more time. If it was for my daughter, I would ruin the lives of anyone who crossed my path. Hell hath no fury like a mother without her child.

"Let's go, then," I replied. I opened the door of the car and shut it as I stormed to the house. Max and Harry shared a look and then followed me across the road. I felt my gun hiding under the dress I wore, strapped to my thigh as Jack taught me to do years and years ago. I took the gun off the belt, lifting my dress up to the top of my leg and loading it, ready to be shot. Max and Harry were ready as well, Max lending Harry a gun in case he needed it.

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