Maid Cafe

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So in one episode they go to this thing called a maid cafe

and it's really creepy there bc there are these maids who u have to ask to get you things

and in this cafe they meet their next opponents which are a  bunch of computer nerds

Lalala fast forward to the match

The maids assisting the team require the girls in the other team to wear maid outfits

And then they start cheating?? They replaced the soccer ball with a watermelon for starts and Matsuno was all like "WQHta" i feel u matsuno

Then they kicked up a cloud of lots of dust when Raimon was shooting and they discovered that the other team was cheating

The other team decided to start playing fair but they still lost

(Bonus: There's  a character called Manga Moe here and they basically look like trickster Kazemaru)

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