Naley Moment

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It's been a month since the whole cabin thing happened with Lucas having that phone call with Peyton and since then I haven't heard from her or Jake and I must say everything has been fine and I like it how it is now.

Yeah sometimes I missed Peyton, but then I realise that she wasn't really my friend... our friendship was always one sided. I walked into my office and sat at my desk twirling my chair around I glide myself over to the cabinet by the wall and look through pulling out the fashion piece I had been working on for weeks. I put the stack on my desk and start to go through it when I heard a faint knock at the door "Come in" I yell not looking up. I had to have this finished by today and by the looks of it... its all finished and ready to go.

"Erm... Brooke" I look up at see Mandy walk into my office "Have you got your piece for the fashion section of the magazine ready?" She asks stopping at the edge of my desk.

I smile up at her and nod "Here Mandy... all finished and perfect"

"Thank you... I'll have this put in and the magazine will be out by Friday" She tells me taking the stack from me and walking out of my office. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and spun my chair around.

So I was free for at least 5 days before I have to start next month's piece. God I love my job, but then again I do have paper work I need to finish and Mrs Monroe called me earlier asking me to get some things ready for her. so I guess my 5 days has been cut short. Still love my job.

"Brooke..." I turn around in my seat and see Nathan leaning against my office door with his arms folded "Hey Davis"

"Oh hey Nate" I reply smiling at him "What's up?"

"I need your help" He says walking further into my office shutting the door behind him

"Okay" I stop my chair and roll it into the desk and cross my right leg over my left leg "How can I help?"

"I haven't dated since Haley and it's only been 2 months since everything happened and its way to soon for me to even think about it and you were right when you said I still love her because I do and even though Rachel didn't like her I appreciate what you did and how much you tried to let her into the group and I love you for that" Nathan rambled

"Nate... sweetie get to the point"

Nathan sits down in the chair and takes a deep breath "I want to talk to Haley" He says and my eyes widen... Okay... well I can't really stop him from doing that right? I mean he does still love her and he properly misses her a lot and I feel bad how everything went down, but I still hate the girl and no matter what happens that will never change. I tried once... not again. Nathan must see my confusion because he carries on "I just need to see her again Brooke... I miss her like crazy and it's hard moving on without closure. I mean I understand that you and Rachel hate her and I understand why, but I need to do this"

"Okay" I nod because I didn't know what else to do "Why do you need my help?"

"Well it's not that I need your help, I just said that because I knew you'd listen instead of me just coming out with it straight away" He says and I let out a loud sigh rolling my eyes.

"Nathan what is you want?"

"Your blessing" He replies. My blessing... what for?

"What for?" I ask with a raised eye brow

"I don't know what's going to happen with Haley and I just don't want our friendship to break because of it and I know you and Rach will never like Haley, but I don't want whatever happens with me and her to affect us" He tells me "So I want to know you'll be okay with whatever happens"

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