I Didnt See This One Coming

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We were going to the cabin tonight for the weekend, but I had to see Peyton. I have given her 5 days to cool down and clear her head. I walked down the side walk towards her apartment building. The same building where she and Lucas had shared together. I walk up the few steps and stare into the building.

Just 5 days ago I was walking out of this building after having a huge fight with Peyton. I push the double doors open and stalk towards the elevator.

I was now standing outside the door and my body went cold. I had a bad feeling about this, but I know I have to do it... I have to get this over with before we leave for the cabin at 4:00 this afternoon.

I bring my hand up and tap the door three times and then I wait. I could literally feel my heart pumping through my body. This girl was one of my bestfriends. We did everything together and the thought of us losing her hurt me. I know what I said to her was all true, but she was still my bestfriend and no matter what I said I don't want to lose that.

I look at my watch... I've been standing there on the same spot outside the door for about 5 minutes now and I got no answer... so I knock another three times and wait for a response. I then heard movement on the other side of the door and listened as the door knob was turned and the door slowly opened and there stood Jake, Lucas's bestfriend from school a towel wrapped around his waist. He stared at me for a moment and then his eyes widened "Brooke..." He says my name like it was going to scare him.

"Babe is that the food?" I hear Peyton ask... I look pass him and at my blond ex bestfriend Peyton. She looks up and her eyes lock onto mine and if you could see her face... it was priceless "Brooke..." She breaths out my name. I glare at her and shake my head turning around and going to walk away.

She was breaching about me being a bad friend when she's sleeping with Lucas's bestfriend from school. She claimed to be upset and hurt, but she wasn't... not really... she was sleeping with Jake this whole time... I just know it from both of their facial expressions "Brooke... wait" I heard her call after me "Brooke"

"You know..." I stop and turn to look at her "I came here because I felt hurt and bad about what I did to you and I wanted to apologise again. I wanted to just talk and see if we could talk this out, but here you are sleeping with Jake" I nod my head over at him and shake my head again "You went on about how I was such a bad friend and how I was such a bad person, but in reality you were just the same as me. So tell me Peyton"I step closer to her and cross my arms across my shoulder "How long have you been sleeping together because I know this isn't a one off"


"How long Sawyer?" I question narrowing my eyes at her

"Since the long weekend at the cabin when you and Lucas couldn't make it" She tells me

I grasp "So there's you cheating on Lucas, but yet you throw him out and get mad at both of us knowing you're not exactly miss innocent" I give a small laugh "You're fucking unbelievable Peyton, but you know what I'm done and for good this time" I then turn around and go to walk away.

"Brooke... please... Brooke" She called after me and once I was half way down the hall I stop at the elevators and press the button on the side and wait for it to come up then I turn back to Peyton.


"I don't know what to say" She mutters wrapping the night gown she had on tighter around her body.

"You don't need to say anything to me anymore Peyton" I tell her with a small shrug. I was defeated. I actually thought we were friends... I know I hurt her, but I thought maybe just maybe we could talk it out and work on the friendship that was swimming around us when I was in her apartment, but I guess I was wrong... I guess I was really wrong "Just talk to Lucas okay"

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