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'Give it time Pretty Girl... Please don't let us go. Don't give up' Lucas's words just kept running through my head.

It has been 2 days since the engagement party of Carter and Karla and my head is all confused. I don't know what to do. I've received messages from Lucas and calls, but I just can't bring myself to answer them.

I want to... I really do, but the voice in my head is telling me to let it go... to let him go, but my heart is saying to give him a chance to not give up just like he asked. My phone buzzed again and it was from Lucas... this time I decided to have a look at the text message so I open it...

Dimples please answer me. I need to see you. I miss you... just please talk to me xxx L

I read the message over a million of times and run my finger over the call button and before I realise what I'm doing I have the phone on speaker and the ringing noise is heard throughout my apartment. On the third ring I hear his voice and it soothed my whole body giving me butterflies.

"Oh thank god Dimples hey" I couldn't help, but smile. It was good to hear his voice. I missed him too and after I didn't say anything for a while he spoke again "Brooke... baby you there"

"Yeah" I whisper like someone else was in the apartment could hear me even though I'm here by myself "I'm here Luke"

"Good" I could hear the happiness in his voice and my heart melted. God I hate how he can do this to me. Make all the worries disappear just by the smoothness of his voice "How are you?"

"Confused" I mutter honestly as I carry the phone over to the kitchen with me. It still on speaker "I'm really confused Luke; I don't know what I'm thinking half the time and when I think of me and you I then feel guilty because of Peyton and then everything in me is telling me to cut contact from you and move on, but something else in me is telling me not to because I feel so much for you"

"Oh Dimples" He says and my heart races "I'm sorry... I really am... I know Peyton's your bestfriend and I feel so bad that I've done this too the both of you and I know how broken you seem because you think I've chosen her, but I haven't Brooke you have to believe me that I want you... I've always wanted you, but I didn't think you felt the same. Peyton... I just settled for her Pretty Girl" He stopped and I wasn't sure if he was finished or not so I didn't say anything. I was shocked just by hearing what he was saying. He wants me... his always wanted me... what happens now because there still engaged. Their still getting married very soon. He hasn't told me that his calling off the wedding. What do I do with this new found information?

Since he hasn't said anything more I take that as my cue to say something, but what do I say... I just don't know so I go with the first thing that comes into my head "I think I'm falling for you Lucas... I think I've always felt like this for you, but what happened on my birthday set off fireworks in my heart and I haven't felt like this with anyone else and I don't know what to do with it all... I'm so confused"

"Meet me" He simply says and I feel the urgency in his voice "Please just meet me at my parents house the one I took you to the first year we started Brown... you know the one right"

"Yeah I know the one" I say putting unscrewing my water and taking a gulp.

"Good... so meet me there in about an hour" I look at the clock reading 6:30 "Pleeeaaassseee..." He pleads and I can't help, but want to go. My whole body is craving to be near him again... to be close with him. So I take a deep breath...

"Okay" I say and I could literally hear the happiness come through the phone.

"Okay good... I'll see you then Dimples... bye"

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