Jumping Through Time

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I was dressed in a white blouse with a blue flower skirt and white wedged heels. I pulled on my cotton cardigan and walk back into my room from my closet. I sat at my makeup table and started to apply my light might up finishing off with a glossy toffee lip gloss.

I walked into the living room grabbing my bag. Nathan was still asleep on the couch and it was now 12:15. I had to leave for work in a bit. I then heard Nathan stir and let out a loud moan. He was awake. I just smiled at him when I see his eyes flutter open. He shot his hands up over his eyes to stop the bright light from shining in his eyes.

"Oh god" He groaned looking around the room. His eyes then landed on me "Brooke?"

"Afternoon Nate" I reply hanging my bag off my arm "I'm sorry, but I have to leave for work, but I called your work for you and said you wasn't well so don't worry about that" I tell him "You can stay here all day if you'd like. I should be back by 6:00" Nathan sat up still looking at me rubbing his temple "Take those" I nod to the pills on the table beside the water.

"Thank you Brooke" Nathan's voice sounded raspy meaning he needed to rehydrate. I watched as he took the pills and water. Drinking the whole glass I take the cup from him and refill it "For picking me up last night"

"Oh don't worry about it Nate" I reply giving him the glass again "I have to go, but there's some pasta in the fridge from last night if you get hungry or there's food anywhere. Help yourself okay" He nodded with a smile. I turn to leave, but stop and look at him again "Oh and Nate..." He looked up from the glass he was drinking from and looked at me. A sad expression written all over his face.


"I'm sorry about Haley" He gives me a sad smile and with that I leave for work.


"Yeah Rach I had to pick him up from that club on Park Avenue last night" I tell Rachel as I walk into my office. My coffee was already on my desk when I walked in. Oh how I love PA's "He was so bad Red... God I didn't know it could get this bad"

"What did he actually say?" She asks and it sounded like she was walking around

"Something about Haley not loving him anymore" I tell her sitting at my desk signing into my computer to check my emails "Oh and apparently Bentley came out of her house just before Nathan got there"

"Wait..." Rachel screeches "Bent... as in Bentley from work?"

"I dunno" I reply putting in my password and waiting for my emails to come up "I think so... maybe. Nathan sounded like he knew the guy kind of"

"Yeah well I brought Nathan to a work function last year and Bent was there" Rachel says "Oh for god sake Owen... did you seriously have to do that?" Rachel barks at her boyfriend "I'm on the fucking phone... hey stop that... Owen I swear to god I'll get you back for this... Don't wet my phone... Broooooke" I hear Rachel scream my name and then the line went dead. Oh thank you Rachel for cutting the call during a conversation. I let out a loud sigh as I see a email pop up from Lucas.

From: Lucas Roe

To: Brooke Davis

Tuesday 16th August 2014


Hey there Pretty Girl... I miss you... This Merge is boring. HELP

Love you always Broody

I smiled at his email and press reply.

From: Brooke Davis

To: Lucas Roe

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