You Were Never My Friend!!!

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I love the feeling of hot water hitting my body. Relaxing my muscles and depriving my stress. The feeling of anything swiftly melting away. Once I was done with my shower. I wrapped the towel around me and opened the bathroom door to be greeted by no one other than Haley. She was standing by the door and it seemed like she was looking for something. I slowly moved myself into the room and over to my bed "Erm... can I help you with something Haley?" I ask rummaging through my bag in my bed looking for something to wear.

"Oh eh..." She looked at me backing up against the cabinet "I was just coming to get you for dinner. Nathan made Taco's"

"Oh right" I grab my cream patterned top and looked at her "Okay I'll be right down once I get dressed"

"Okay" She mutters back. I watch her put something in her pocket as she leaves the room and heads down stairs.

I put my bra on with my cream patterned top and grab my white skirt slipping into it. I slip on my white pumps and head down stairs with the others for dinner.


"So we heading back tonight then?" I hear Nathan ask as I walk into the den where everyone was seated.

"Yeah I have work early tomorrow and I don't fancy having the lack of sleep" Rachel says rubbing her eyes "So we leave after dinner?"

"Yeah okay sure" Nathan nods taking a bite of his taco "Oh hey there Brookie" I wave at everyone and plonk myself down beside Lucas. I could feel him move his hand to my leg and give it a little squeeze reassuring me that everything was okay.

"So I hear were going home tonight" I grab a plate and take 2 taco's from the plate on the table then pouring myself some wine "I'm packed already. I was going to leave I have work in the morning"

"So does Rachel" Owen states "I'll drive us up to the city"

"Okay" I nod taking a bite out of my taco. I looked across the table and see Haley glaring at me. I know we aren't exactly friendly anymore, but I have no idea why she's glaring at me like that so I just shake it off and ignore it looking down at my plate.

"So Brooke" I look back up at Haley who just addressed me.


"Spoken to Peyton lately?" She asks.

I give a confused look at her and watch as Nathan nudges her. Rachel glares at her and Lucas just squeezes my leg again. What was she getting at? "Eh... yeah I spoke to her the other day"

"Riight" Haley mutters taking a gulp of her wine "You mean the day you blew her off right... she called me and we went shopping for the wedding. She actually picked up your maid of honour dress and everything"

My stomach dropped and my heart started to race... first Haley told me that I wasn't doing anything wrong and now she's saying all of this stuff about Peyton and the wedding. Maybe their friends... maybe that's why she's doing this "I had stuff to do... I wasn't blowing her off on purpose Haley"

"Oh I'm sure you wasn't... I mean she did tell me you and Lucas had lunch at your office a couple of days ago... talking about the wedding huh?" She took the last bite of her taco and pushed the plate away from her. She then turned to Lucas "You write your vows yet Lucas because doing it the last minute isn't a good thing"

"Well actually Brooke was helping me" I looked at Lucas in shock. Did he actually just say that? Way to throw me under the bus even further Luke "That's why we had lunch the other day"

"Hmm... believable story... maybe Peyton will actually believe that" Haley throws at him looking between the both of us.

"Why don't you shut up and mind your own damn business bitch" Rachel piped in defending me. I love her for that.

There's A Thin Line Between Love And Friendship!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora