Everything Is So Complicated

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"So I slapped him and told him to go away and he did before Tommy came back and beat him up" Alex tells us as we sit by the fire with a glass of wine "You should've seen his face. It was priceless. Tori had to drag me outside for some air"

"Oh that sounds like you had a good night" Nathan replies with a chuckle

"Oh yeah... it was something alright" Alex nods taking a sip of her wine "Anyway tell me something about you?" She asks Nathan

"Oh I have a story" Nathan looks at me and laughs.

"Don't you dare Nate... I will kill you" I warn him with a small glare

Nathan just laughed and turned to Alex "Okay so Brooke was on the cheer team in high school and there was this one girl Haley who I use to date" His voice sounded different when he said her name, but he brushed that off and carried on "Anyway Haley was captain at first and when Rachel and Brooke joined the team she was mean to them and tried to make them look bad" He looked at me and smiled "I watched every practice as I was practicing with the basketball team. I always knew Brooke could handle herself and Rachel too so I never butted in even though I wanted too so many of times" I never knew that. I thought he just let it happen because he liked Haley. Guess I was wrong "One practice Rachel was sick so it was just Brooke... Haley picked on her and she made Brooke do all sort of steps for this one performance and Brooke made every step and Haley got annoyed so she barked flips and turns and splits at her and Brooke did it again and then she got even more mad and started throwing abuse at her. I could see Brooke getting mad and I knew something was going to happen" I close my eyes at this memory. I would never forget this "So then Brooke ran and tackled Haley to the ground and gave Haley a black eye and fractured her jaw. Everyone was surprised that innocent Brooke Davis could do that, but I knew that even though Brooke was quiet she could kick ass if you pissed her off" I heard Nathan laugh. A real laugh came from him and I smiled liking that he was sounding like himself again "After that no one pissed her off for months. She was living like the queen and she loved it"

"This Haley girl sounds like a bitch" Alex comments finishing the last gulp of her wine

"She was" Rachel nods "She was the worst"

Nathan sits back in his seat and I could see he was thinking off her and I felt bad. I felt really bad that Rachel and I were trying to set him up with Alex when he wasn't really over Haley. He needs time and jumping into another relationship wasn't the way for it to go.

"Rachel I need to talk to you" I say standing up from beside Lucas and grabbing Rachel's hand as we leave the den.

"Okay what's up?" She asks as we walk into the kitchen. Rachel opened the fridge door and grabbed the next bottle of wine.

"We can't continue this plan" I tell her pouring my glass of wine "Nathan isn't ready"

"For what?" Rachel asks also pouring herself another glass of wine

"For dating... he just broke up with Haley for god sake and here we are trying to set him up with Alex all because were being selfish and trying to get him over her" I tell her taking a big gulp of my wine "I mean he loved her Rachel... He loved her a lot and I can honestly say that he hasn't gotten over her yet and if we continue this then where going to hurt him and Alex and I don't want that"

"So what you saying Brooke?"

"I'm saying that we stop this and let it flow the way it's meant to" I answer with a small shrug "Okay"

"Yeah okay" Rachel nods picking up her glass and heading towards the den again "Let's get back"

"Okay" I follow her. I wasn't going to do this to Nathan. His a big boy and when he wants to move on he will. Rachel and I shouldn't try and do it for him. I love him and he loved Haley and it won't take him a few days to get over her... if he'll ever get over her.

There's A Thin Line Between Love And Friendship!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें