I'll Do It!!!

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I wanna thank AmeeLeighh for all her comments and voting for my chapters. I really do appreciate it. Much loveage to you 💚💜💙


It was Monday morning and I was heading into my office when I see Rachel sitting on the couch by the door. I shut the door behind me and place my coffee on my desk. I take my seat and swing it round to face Rachel "Hey Rach, what's up?" I ask. I haven't spoken to her since she called me and I was outside of the house I met Lucas at.

Rachel stood up and walked closer until she was by the chair opposite me. She took a seat in that and crossed her right leg over her left leg "Where bestfriends right?" She questions sitting back in the chair. I nod "And you wouldn't ever lie to me right?" Where was she going with these questions?

"Rachel... I-I"

"Just answer the question Brooke" She cuts in and I just nod again "So then why did you lie about your Great Aunt falling... why did you lie and tell me you were out of town visiting her?"

"Rachel... I don't..." I go to say, but she cuts in again.

"Don't bother lying to me Brooke" She warns narrowing her eyes at me "I thought we were bestfriends and here you are lying to me"

"We are bestfriends" I tell her taking a sip of my coffee "I guess I was just worried you'd think less of me... Nathan did"

"Wait..." She crosses her arms "What does Nathan know that I don't" She asks "Where were you this weekend Brooke?"

"I erm... Rachel you have to understand that I didn't mean for this to happen" I explain before revealing the truth to her, she was right I shouldn't have lied to her. I should have been honest and I wanted to... I was just scared she'd think less of me just like Nathan did. I didn't want Rachel to judge me "I wasn't planning this or anything... it just got out of hand and I tried to stop it, but I cant... I love him Rach"

"Whoa Brookie" She leans up from the chair and puts her elbows on the table "What's going on?" I hesitate to answer her so she carries on "You can tell me Brooke I won't judge. I promise"

Tears immediately came to my eyes "I love him Rachel... I really do and I don't know what to do... I want to be with him, but I can't right now and I'm lying to my friends just to spend time with him... everything seems to be falling apart"

"Brooke" She says my name with ease as she takes my hand from across the desk. A tear escaped my eyes sliding down my cheek "Who do you love?"

I took a deep breath trying to control my voice. I felt it start to get shaky so I wait a second or two before I answer. Rachel just looks at me waiting for me to answer her. She squeezes my hand. I take another deep breath and say "Lucas... Rachel I'm in love with Lucas"

"I knew it" She muttered looking away from me. She moved her hand and a smile formed on her face. I don't think she was directing that comment to me, but she stood up and walked around my office and then she looked back over at me "And you were with him on the weekend" I nodded tears still sliding down my face "I knew you liked him. You use to always talk about him and when we all went to Brown together and you introduced us I saw the light in your eyes. You've been in love with him forever Brooke"

"Was I that obvious?" I ask wiping my face with the tissue on my desk "Because apparently Peyton didn't pick up on any of that"

"You want the truth?" She questions and I nod spinning my chair around to face her entirely "I only put up with Peyton because she was your friend. I never liked her and when I learned she was dating Lucas I hated her even more because I could see how much it killed you every day, but then as the years went by you got pass it so I thought... I didn't see the hurt as much as I did back then. Peyton thinks she better than you Brooke... she takes everything from you and throughout the years I noticed that. She knew you liked Lucas and just because you didn't force yourself on him doesn't mean she should have. She was meant to be your friend and she choose Lucas regardless of your feelings" She tells me and I listen knowing it was the truth. I didn't use to always talk about Lucas. Peyton even told me once that she could see how much I liked him, but yet she jumped on him the moment she could. And at first Rachel was right it did hurt every day and I couldn't be around Lucas as much back then, but then I did find a way pass it and now my feelings have come back all because Lucas kissed me back in that cab on my birthday.

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