Chapter 5

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After my last question I decided not to ask anymore for a while. Phil just sat on his bed reading a book, from what I can see of the book's spine it's called City of Bones. The Mortal Instruments series, I've seen the movie. I wonder if shadow hunters are real. That would be cool.

Hopefully not, I wouldn't want to fight demons; because if Xavier is anything like Phil described then he would most certainly have them on his side.

That makes me think, what about werewolves? Or witches and wizards? I've probably been reading too many books.

So if Allana's army is a real thing, that means I'll actually have to fight. I would have to fight other vampires, we all would, even Maggi.

I should have just left her at home, sure she'd hate me for the rest of her life but she never would have been put in danger like this. All of us are in danger, we could all die. PJ, Chris, me, Mags, Louise, Phil, all of us could die at some point in this war.

"Are you okay?" Phil asked setting his book aside.

"Not really. How- how do you cope with knowing that there's a potentially high possibility of not surviving the war with Xavier?" I asked looking at him worriedly.

"I've had a while to think about this," he replied pausing, "but it's different with everyone I guess. I'm doing this for Allana and for all of the people who didn't even get the chance to make it this far."

"I'm just scared," I mumbled internally freaking out. I know I wanted to leave but I never imagined it would be to a place like this.

He walked over and sat beside me. "You're different Dan," he said sort of out of the blue, "you're nothing like the others. You're changing differently than everyone else, even your mind set is different. Non of them have ever really cared about what's going to happen when Xavier decides to make a move."

"How could you not?"

"I guess it's simpler for others. I had never ever thought about it until the end of my first year."

"Of course, leave it up to me to be the only vampire to ever have an existential crisis."

"You'll be okay. If anything, you're going to last longer than any of us. I have no war worthy gift like you do," he frowned.

"I think you gift is amazing," whoa he's really close. It's hard to believe I used to think people like him were monsters. He looks as if he couldn't hurt a fly. But I should know better than to believe that.

Vampires kill, I know that. We're suppose to live on human blood right? Technically we actually are in fact monsters.

"Yeah it's pretty alright sometimes but I wouldn't last long in battle," he sighed standing up from my bed.

"Maybe you weren't really meant for battle?"

"When the time comes I'm not just going to stay here while people like you risk your lives to hopefully win; I'll just be known as the guy who wasn't good enough."

"But you are, Phil. How rare is your gift?"

"There have been plenty in the past and several in school. Just face the facts that I'm nothing unique like you are. If I happen to die then I die and I'm okay with that."

"How though? I could understand if you had lived as long as Xavier and Allana; but you're only what? 21? You haven't even had the chance to live."

"Look Dan, there's nothing you can say to make me change my mind. Besides I can always rely on my super strength."

"Then are you stronger than most?"

"Almost," he replied not wanting to say no.

"I'm not letting you just go kill yourself, Phil."

"I'll be fine," he insisted smiling, "you shouldn't worry about me."

"But you'll die."

"And I'll die knowing I made a difference."

Sorry I had to make this short 😬
I hope it's okay 😁 -Laurianne :)

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