Don't Do It

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“Babe you have to get up.” I wake up this morning to Wesley shaking me and whispering in my ear. Little does he know I’ve been awake for hours. I’ve been thinking about how today is going to be tough. I really don’t want to go to this appointment. This is something I never thought I’d have to do, but I guess when life takes a turn for the worst, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Wes shakes me one more time before I open my eyes, pretending to be waking up. “Morning.” I say, faking a smile.

“Morning beautiful.” He says moving my hair out of my face. Wes always knows how to make me feel better and that’s why I love him. “You have to get up and get ready. We need to leave in ten minutes.”

I drag myself out of bed and throw some clothes on. I don’t bother to do anything else to my hair other than brush it. I also don’t go crazy on the make-up, just some eyeliner and mascara for today. I meet Wes downstairs and he’s sitting with Keaton on the couch.

When I come up from behind them, I hear Wes ask Keaton, “Where’s Drew?” The mention of his name makes a knot form in my stomach.

Keaton says, “I don’t know. He’s not in his room and his cars gone.”

“That’s weird.” Wes says. “He’s never out this early.” This makes me wonder where Drew went. Where would he go this early in the morning anyways? Is it because of me? Before I overthink things, I walk up to Wes and Keats and say, “I’m ready.” Wes stands up and walks towards me.

“Where are you guys going?” Keaton asks pausing his TV show.

“We’re um…” Wes starts but he stops once he knows that he can’t tell Keaton the truth.

Wes glances at me to show that he doesn’t know what to say. “Wes is just bringing me to work.” I say quickly and watch as Wes relaxes.

“See you later bro.” Wes says, grabbing his keys off of the counter and walking out the door. I follow him to his car and we take off. For majority of the car ride, Wes and I are both silent and the only sound that fills the car are the mutters from the radio. Finally, Wes reaches for the volume knob and turns it all the way down. “So…” He starts to say. “Are you nervous?”

Of course, I’m nervous! Not so much because of what’s going to happen, but because of everything else that comes along with it. Am I really going to get away with this huge secret I’ve been keeping from Wes? “Just a little…” I say softly.

Wes takes his left hand and places it on mine. “Everything’s going to be okay. You know that right?” I nod but as much I want to, I don’t believe a word he just said. I have a really bad feeling about today and I don’t know why.

Wes grips my hand as if to get me to respond. I clear my throat, “Thank you for coming with me.” I say trying to make my voice sound a little happy.

“You don’t have to thank me.” Wes says taking his hand away from mine and placing it on the steering wheel. “I could never let you go through this alone.”

I don’t know what to say in response but thankfully, I hear my phone start to go off in my pocket. As Wes focuses on finding the next turn, I fish for my phone and read the name on the screen, Drew. My finger goes to touch the screen and hit answer but I stop myself. Wes is in the car and I can’t risk him overhearing anything Drew says, so I ignore the call. Then, I go and start a new text message to Drew. Right as I’m about to type, Wes says, “We’re here.”

I look up and see a typical brown, tall office building. Wes parks the car and gets out. I look back down at the blank text message I was going to send Drew and delete it. Then, I turn my phone off and put it back in my pocket. Drew is going to have to wait. I have more important things to deal with right now.

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