Uncontrollable Guilt

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‘I don’t want to have this baby’. The second I say this to Wes, my heart sinks. I’m terrified of what he’s going to think of me and what he’s going to say. I slowly look back at him to see that he’s just staring at the wall. All of a sudden, he jumps up and looks at me. “You want to have a fucking abortion!?” He yells at me. At this point, Wes is fuming. I’m surprised I don’t see steam coming out of his ears. I’ve never seen him this mad before and I’m actually kind of scared of him right now. I nod in shock of how he is acting. I had a feeling he would disagree with my decision but I didn’t think he’d go crazy about it. “Why, Tori?! Why the hell do you want to do that?!”

With Wes still yelling at me, I freeze up. What am I supposed to tell him? A small part of me just wants to tell him the truth because I’m sick of all the lying, especially since I’m lying to the man that I love. “I’m just not….ready.” I whisper, but I know that Wes can hear me.

“It’s not all about you anymore!” Wes snaps. “This is about the baby…our baby!”

Now my blood is starting to boil as well. I can’t take him yelling at me anymore. If only he knew that I’m doing this to save our relationship. I’m not being selfish! Or am I? “Wes, we are not ready to have a baby! We’re only teenagers! I haven’t even started college yet and you’re still trying to become a singer. How are you gonna be able to do that when you have to support me and a baby?!”

When I finish my little speech, I’m out of breath. I haven’t screamed this loud at someone since I got into a fight last year with one of my high school friends. Wes just stares at me with pure anger in his eyes. Almost right after I yell at him, he runs straight to my bedroom wall and I watch as his fist makes contact with it. He must have a lot of built up frustration because he punches the wall with so much momentum that it shakes my entire house.

After punching my wall, Wes cries out. I don’t know why but my guess is his hand must be in pain. He leans his forearms on the wall and let’s his head hang in between them. I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. “Wesley?” I whisper to hoping my soothing voice will calm him down. He turns around and leans his back against the wall. That’s when I see tears running down his cheeks. He’s crying? Wesley’s actually crying? This is the first time he’s ever cried in front of me. From the day I first met him he was always so positive, happy and strong. It breaks my heart to see him breaking down, and I can’t believe I’m the person that did this to him.

Seeing him crying hysterically makes me do the same. “Wesley, talk to me.” I say softly. I don’t want him to keep his feelings bottled up inside any longer. I rub his arm and watch as he tries to choke out some words.

He takes one last deep breath, “I just want to do the right thing! I want to be there for you and our baby because I feel like this is all my fault.” More tears roll down his face.

“What’s your fault?” I ask wanting to know more.

“It’s my fault you’re pregnant!” He cries out. He thinks it’s his fault, but it’s not. As if I didn’t feel guilty enough before, I definitely do now.

“It’s not your fault, Wesley.” I say as my conscience tells me ‘Tell him Tori. Now’s the perfect time’.

He looks me in the eyes this time and says, “Yes it is. I was too excited about it being our first time. I should have used…”

“Stop, Wes.” I interject. “It’s not just your fault! It’s mine too. We did this together.”

“I know, Tori, but this is my only way I can make it up to you. I want to show you how supportive I can be and I want to show you that I’ll be a great dad.”

Everything Happens For A Reason (Emblem3 FanFic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang