He helps me back up onto my feet with his eyes still staring into mine. When he smiles my heart skips two full beats, my cheeks burn with embarrassment. Immediately I looked away and set off to gather my dropped items. I saw him moving around me to help me recollect my stuff and I smiled. He saved me twice and now he's helping me?

"Que Valiente Muchacha," he smiled at me again as he handed me the apple we were both going for. I accepted his offer and couldn't help but shy away as his fingers brushed against mine faintly. I glanced over at the horse, now calm and back to grazing. I don't know why I feel like I have to but the desire to touch this beast sits heavily in me. He turned toward the horse running his fingers through his thick black mane. "¿Te Gustaría tocarlo?" I have no clue what he just said and it must have translated on my face because he smiled again and bowed his head, "I forget. Pet him?"

Each word he speaks I can hear the struggle to make me understand him. The fact that he is even trying puts a strange feeling in my heart. Sitting my basket down beside me I slowly moved toward the horse holding my hand out. The man grabbed hold of it gently, pulling me toward him until it connected with it's soft coat.

I don't know why this brought me such joy but every ounce of fear that hovered over me dissolved into contentment. I saw the man smiling at me from the corner of my eye and returned it. "Tis a beautiful creature." I spoke in a hushed tone but loud enough for him to hear.

"Si, and what be her name?"

I blushed realizing what he was saying, turning my attention back to the horse.

"Simone." I heard myself say in a lower tone.

"Simone." He repeated and I instantly found that I loved the way it rolled off his tongue with that accent. "Un hermoso nombre para una hermosa muchahca." Ducking quickly he plucked a rose from my basket without any apparent qualms placed it in my hair and behind my ear. "Mi amigo," he tipped his head to the stallion, "is Midnight and I am--"

"What the fuck are you doing here so early? I thought the bosses bitch wasn't due to clean until after everyone here had already worked their asses off for chump change." I snapped out of my sudden haze to the most annoying voice shouting louder than needed. I looked up through the mirror at Ruby as she stood behind me with both hands on her hips and a deep scowl that quickly converted to a smile. "Has the princess been fired?" She ran her finger along my now clean station. "It must be Christmas! So what did you do? Lou catch you fucking that guy that was throwing big bucks at you?"

God please help me. I came here earlier just to avoid the unnecessary shit and here I am...having to deal with some unnecessary shit. I'm tired of telling this bitter piece of old news that there has never been anything between me and Lou and the fact that I now know that he could be my Uncle pisses me off even more. To top it off, I don't know what guy she's talking about and it seems more and more like she's trying to use anything to get under my skin. Rather than reply to her I just picked up the vase, threw my bag over my shoulder, and made for the door. I didn't even have the chance to get my hand on the knob before I felt my bag being snatched off my arm.

That was the deal breaker. I whipped around so fast that I didn't even realize what I'd done until the other girls rushed to Ruby's aid. Blood was pouring from her top lip. I looked down at the reddened spot stretching across three of my knuckles. There was no pain but a serious rush of adrenaline and strong desire to kick the bitch while she's down. Since that would make me just as low on the scale as she is I settled for picking up my bag and sparing her one last glance with the best smile I could muster.

"And for the last time, I have never slept with Lou." Each girl in the room received a harsh glare from me as I headed out the door. I've never been so satisfied in my life. I swore I'd be sad leaving this job behind since I don't know where I'm going to end up after this but one thing I will never miss is having to deal with those bitches.

The main area was coming to life now with a few customers sitting at the bar and staff placing seats around the stage. There are going to be a lot of upset people in a little while and don't plan to be around to see it.

"Good you're here. A word in my office please." Or so I thought. Lou walked back through the thick wooden door without giving me the chance to object. What if I don't want to going in his office? What if I don't want to talk? What if I just walk out this door right now...then what? He can't fire me considering the bag on my shoulder pretty much says I'm no longer his employee anyway. Two long steps toward the exit his door opened again. He stood against it with his arms folded telling me with his eyes that he was not to be played with right now.

Like a child being sent to the principal's office I huffed through my nose and groaned. So much for Dave keeping his mouth shut. I passed my former boss and friend with my eyes planted on the wooden floor boards. I never considered this but it feels kind of awkward being near him. He saw me dance. Had to in order to see if I was any good.

Another presence in the room caught my attention. Sitting in one of the chairs on the other side of Lou's huge desk was a man with thick brown hair wearing a creased black dress pants with a white button down shirt and black blazer. His face alone told me who he was. This is Dave's Uncle--Lou's brother and the man in the picture that's currently burning a hole in my pocket.  

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