Weaker than she looks

Start from the beginning

"Remember at school when they used to make us do pack-drill. How heavy where the bags then?"

"Fifty pounds."

"Just over twenty two and a half kilos and they made us do pack-drill and then obstacle courses in them. I think I can handle carrying your bag." He laughed lightly at me, pressing a single kiss to my forehead then intertwining our fingers as I lead him out of the airport and over to my car. I placed his bag in the boot along with me before getting into the drivers seat. He placed his hand over mine on the gear stick and I smiled as we began the drive back to my hotel. The music was blasting through the speakers as we both sang along, and laughed, and talked, and sang some more. It was as though he had never been away. "Take a seat on the couch and I'll be back in a minute babe." I instructed as we entered the hotel room. I walked straight into the kitchen and grabbed one of the frying pans and wooden spoons, walking into the living room. This had been our way of waking each other up every morning on tour for the past four months. "Cover your ears." He giggled but complied none the less. I struck the pan as hard as I could five times with the wooden spoon.

"EVERYBODY UP! NOW!" I shouted making sure I was loud enough to be heard by all of the boys. "God I love doing that." I laughed throwing myself down onto the couch and cuddling into Blake waiting for the boys to get up.

"How did you end up doing that?"

"We were hung over once and refusing to get out of bed so that was what Brandon did to us. Now it's just whoever's up when it's time to get up is responsible for waking the others. It's very effective." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and began scrolling through my Facebook as Blake rested his chin on my shoulder watching what I was doing over my shoulder. I stopped on a photo one of my friends had posted and showed it to Blake who decided to read the caption out loud. "It takes skill to choke on air, fall up stairs and trip over completely nothing. I have that skill."

"Are we talking bout Kenzie." I heard Calum yawn from the doorway and turned around to see him stood shirtless in only a pair of boxers. "Had I known we had company I would have dressed more appropriately."

"Well I told you last night."

"When?" He raised an eyebrow at me and cocked his head to the side.

"That my friend would be when I saved you from public humiliation because you were about to suck some sluts face off in public."

"I was not." He defended and I rolled my eyes. "And besides, I saved you from doing worse than that."

"Like what?" Blake piped up from behind me all of a sudden becoming very invested in our conversation and I mentally face palmed because I had a feeling I knew what he was going to bring up.

"I don't know if I should tell you this." Calum snickered knowing full well he was going to tell him anyways and I groaned internally. "There was this one time a couple of weeks ago me and Kenzie had gone out for food. We saw a night club on our way back to the hotel and decided to go in for a COUPLE, notice the emphasis on couple, of drinks. Four hours later and she's up on the bar pole dancing. Turns out it was a strip club and it was amateurs night." Blake erupted into laughter behind me and held me even tighter to him at the same time.

"I would have paid to see that." This time I groaned out loud at the two boys and silently thanked the heavens when Luke walked in. Thankfully there had been enough time for the situation to diffuse between Luke and Blake so they didn't immediately try to rip each others head off which I was also thankful for because I'm not in the mood to break up another one of their fights.

The day went by faster than I thought it would. We spent most of it all together at the stadium with sound checks and what not and as per usual I got dragged into doing something I didn't want. This time it was being suspended from the ceiling by a harness so I could fix a broken speaker. All that had happened was that a few of the wires had been mixed up but it would take too long to take the speakers down so they sent me up instead. "Good night guys." I yawned finally retreating to the comfort of my bed at four in the morning leaving only Blake and Luke left awake in the hotel room. I pulled back the covers and climbed into bed listening to the conversation going on outside. "You have no idea how much Kenzie has missed you." I heard Luke sigh almost in relief.

Luke Hemmings - RoommatesWhere stories live. Discover now