"I see you hurt your foot." Nick called out to me. I immediately stood up straight and tried walking normal, but my right foot screamed in pain from walking on rocks barefoot.

I looked at Nick and he smirked. "You still gonna walk for two hours with a bloody foot?"

I rolled my eyes and limped over to the car. I opened the door and sat down in the seat next to Nick. When I realized he wasn't driving, I looked over to him to see him staring at me.

"What?" I snapped. "Expecting a thank you? Well, too bad 'cause you're not getting one."

I couldn't read his face so I looked away from him and inspected my foot. Nick started the engine and drove off, not saying a word.

I was probably being a bit harsh on him, but did you expect me to forget everything he did to me and give him a 'I'm sorry I was being too harsh on you because you lied to me about my life' card?

No, I didn't think so.

As I looked at my injury, I saw a big rock stuck in the middle of my foot. I gagged as I saw blood seeping through the gash. I wasn't a doctor, but the pain was ripping through me so I grabbed the rock, counted to three, and yanked it out.

I shrieked and dropped the bloody rock out the window. I panted and was about to look away when I saw something impossible. The hole that the rock was stuck in . . . closed on its own. I blinked and rubbed my eyes. I wiped the blood off my foot and gaped. It magically grew extra skin and closed.

It healed on its own.

I leaned back in my seat, shocked. I heard from Bruce that I could heal, but I've never actually seen it myself.

"Well isn't that cool."

I glanced at Nick and rolled my eyes. "Keep your eye on the road, Fury. I don't want to die tonight."

"If I do get us into an accident," said Nick, keeping his eye on the road this time, "I'd be dead. You could heal in a matter of minutes, maybe even seconds."

I scoffed. "You probably have a way out of dying. Maybe a laser thing to dig your way through the ground and to your secret lair. Maybe a teleporter. Maybe even a Tardis!" I paused. "Do you have a Tardis?"

"No, sorry."

We were silent for about ten minutes, and I enjoyed it. Not talking to Fury is like Christmas. Okay, not really, but it was great.


I groaned mentally and turned to look at Nick. "Nick." I mocked.

"I have to tell you something." He said seriously.

I glared. "What? Are you going to tell me that I have super strength and that you're sorry that you didn't tell me before?"

Nick sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Nick, I told you-"

"Just listen!" He snapped and I shut up. He sighed again. "I'm sorry that I kept the secret about your powers from you. I'm sorry I kept the secret about your parents from you. I wanted to keep you safe, because if word got out you had powers, sure enough, there would be people, dangerous people, who would be out to get you. And you don't know how to control your power, so you couldn't defend yourself. That's why I kept it from you, Savannah. And I'm so sorry."

My jaw dropped to the floor. I can't believe what I just heard. If this was the truth why he kept my secret for these months I've been here, then I definitely feel guilty.

Nick was just trying to protect me. He was keeping me safe, even when I didn't know him.

"We're here."

The Decision (An Avengers/X-Men Crossover Fanfiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now