I Didnt See This One Coming

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"I'm sorry" She whispers, but I could read her lips so I knew what she had said.

"You know what's funny?" I say as the elevator doors open. I ignore it and stare at my former bestfriend "None of us liked Haley back in school mostly you and Rachel, but yet you was a friend to her more than you was to me... how does that work I wouldn't know, but that doesn't matter because I'm officially done with this" I twirl my finger round between us "This friendship I guess is officially over" I then walk into the elevator which was still open.


I hadn't been really talkative since I got back from Peyton's and packed the rest of my things for the weekend. Turned out we were going for 5 days because everyone booked time off work and Lucas called ahead to my boss and she agreed for me to have some time off because the fashion magazine I work for had let this month's issue out and I wasn't needed until the end of next week. I didn't even respond then I just nodded with a fake smile and packed extra clothes.

We were now outside the cabin and Lucas grabbed both our bags and headed up to the room that was mine. It was weird being here with him after everything that happened... After actually being able to be with him. I turn around and look out into the open at the trees.

The wind was blowing gently through the air and my mind was twirling around in my head and I didn't know what to do. Do I tell Lucas about Peyton and Jake or do I not say anything and act like I didn't see anything. I was his girlfriend and I was meant to be there for him so what do I do... Someone please help me here.

"Are you okay?" I was brought of my thoughts and saw Rachel standing beside me "You haven't said a word since we picked you guys up"

"I went to see Peyton today" I tell her. My bag drops from my shoulder "I went to settle things with her... I wanted to air things out and I was ready to have a full out fight with her... I was ready for anything she was going to throw at me, but I wasn't ready for what I saw" I sit on the step and place my bag in between my legs "Now I don't know what to do Rach... it had only been 5 days and yet she was sleeping with him... out of everyone and now I don't know how to tell Lucas"

"Okay Brooke... I'm confused" She says and I turn to look at her again "What happened?"

"Peyton and Jake" I run my hand through my hair and give out a loud sigh "Peyton and Jake... They eh... They've been sleeping together"

"Wait... What?" That wasn't Rachel's voice. My head snapped up and I was looking at Lucas. He was standing behind us between the door frame. I wasn't sure how long he had been standing there, but my heart dropped just by the look on his face. He looked broken and I didn't know how I could make this one better... I don't think I could make this better "What?" He says again and I instantly stood up Rachel following me.

"Lucas" I mutter taking a step towards him "Baby"

"Wait... What!" He just stood staring blankness at me. My heart was breaking for him. His facial expressions tugging at me "Peyton and Jake... How long?"

"Since that night we spent together when they were down here" I tell him with worry in my voice "I'm sorry"

"Its fine" He brushes it off "Come, Nathan and Alex are cooking" he takes my hand and I take one glance at Rachel as he drags me into the cabin and towards the kitchen. He wasn't fine. Anyone that knew him would be able to tell that Lucas wasn't fine, but he doesn't want to talk about it and I know that so I'm just going to leave it and approach the subject later.


"So are we going to talk about this or you going to keep acting like it doesn't bother you" I ask as Lucas and I walk into the room we'll be sharing "His your bestfriend and she was your fiancée"

There's A Thin Line Between Love And Friendship!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن