I was a bit tired already, but Emma wanted me to be here for her. I have to say it, her pictures are amazing. Beautiful in each way, but there is this one picture that had me drunk in love. It's a painting of a sunset and on her right side there's a painting of a green eyes, the picture reminds me of a certain lady that took my coffee a few hours ago.

The galery is full of people and I never had a problem with crowded rooms but tonight it feels like something is different. I turn my head to my right, I have no idea why, I just do. It feels like I am in heaven when her eyes meet mine. I can see the spark inside them, my heart has never been as happy as it is now. Our eyes stay locked all the time as she is walking towards me.

I turn my head towards the picture, because I am basically mesmerized by her beauty, she giggles at my weird attempt to ignore her. We look at the pictures in front of us in silence, nobody says a thing for a while. It's funny how we both turn around at the same time and her hand moves towards mine. She is waiting for me to shake it, but I just stare at her.

"It says not to touch the masterpiece and you lady, you are a work of art." Her blush is so wide that I can see it in the dark, I turn back around to look at the painting of the green eyes.

"I think that green, is going to be my favourite colour from now on."

"Lauren," I hear her say. My eyebrows are furrowed in confusion.

"My name is Lauren." She repeats quietly and smiles my way, I swear to God if I wasn't dead before I am now.

"I know and my name is written on the coffee cup you have stolen from me, so there you go." It's not that I don't want to tell her my name, but I honestly forgot what it is since she is staring right into my soul with those beautiful eyes.

"Well it was nice meeting you Y/N," she says as she starts walking away. You jerk, are you going to let her leave? Nope, but I will let her think that I did. When she is going to be tired of waiting for me I will be waiting for her outside the door.

And that's what I did, I leaned my back on the wall of the house as I waited for her arrival. To be completely honest I am scared to death that she already left on the other side. I pull the cigarete out to calm my nerves a bit when I see her coming through the door. She is not alone though, four other girls are holding her hand, I have to say that she seems pretty sad.

I walk behind them for a second before I say it, "Lauren!" I didn't know that she is a ninja too, her eyes are staring right at mine in a second. Her lips form a smile that I have been missing when she came outside the building.

"I thought you left," her voice crackes a bit and she clears her throat to fix it. I put the cigarete in the trash as I take her hand gently.

"Don't be silly, I waited for you out here patiently. So, would you like to go on a walk with me?" I ask her and she looks shocked.

"Now? It's 3 am already." I shrug my shoulders in respons as I pull her behind me. She says goodbye to the girls and they all nod my way, the tall one kind of scares me but I hope she won't kill me for taking Lauren out.

"I am glad you do." My lips are kissing her neck gently, it's funny how neither one of us questions anything, things like this come naturally to us. Our fingers intertwined in her lap, she is sitting between my legs, my lips pressed to her neck.

"You know one night when we were still together, I was staring at the moon and she said to me, if love makes you cry if love makes you unhappy why don't you leave your lover? I looked back at her and watched her for a while before I asked her; Would you ever leave your sky? Because that's what she is to me."
Her lips form a smile that I've been missing for the whole six years.

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