18. Unexpected Proposal

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-Mohabbat rabb se ho toh sukoon deti hai,
Na fikr judaai ki, na khatra bewafai ka

Faris took a deep breath, his eyes locked into hers, "Marry me".

Emara's mouth fell open in shock. She stared at him trying to process his words, "W-what?" she stammered barely able to find her voice.

"Yes", he said firmly. "Marry me and you won't have worry about anything in your life ever, I'll take care of you, provide for you and bear the expenses for your mother's treatment".

Emara was surprised upon hearing all this. The offer was incredibly tempting but she couldn't marry him. She knew nothing about him, he could be a serial killer. But then again if he was a serial killer then she would be dead already.

"I hope you are aware that I am a dancer and my m-mother was a p-prostitute", she said quietly, her voice filled with shame and vulnerability.

"I am aware but Emara your profession doesn't define you, I don't see you that way", he says gently. "I want to give you a better life".

Tears form in her eyes after listening to his gentle words. Nobody had ever spoken to her with such respect and softness.

She wanted to believe his words desperately. But she couldn't bring herself to trust him. She had heard countless stories of men luring women with such sweet nothings.

But what if I take the leap of faith? What if this marriage actually turns out good? she thought.

"Ek veshya marte dum tak veshya hi hoti hai, konsa mard aisi aurat ko apnayega jo hazaaron mard ke saamne nilaam ho chuki hai, aur agar koi apna bhi leta hai toh 2 din me raste pe fek deta hai, yeh soch mat rakhna ki koi rajkumar ayega aur tumhe yaha se le jayega", Madam Farah's words echoed in her mind.

(A prostitute remains a prostitute until her dying breath. What man would accept a woman who has been auctioned off in front of thousands of men? And even if someone does take her in, he would throw her out on the street within two days. Don't hold on to the hope that some Prince Charming will come and take you away from here.)

Once a girl in the brothel had fell in love with a man, the man too claimed that he loved her. Both of them eloped one night. Madam Farah was furious, she lectured all the girls about it.

After a month the girl came back, badly beaten and bruised. She said that the man had trapped her, taken her out of one prostitution ring only to sell her to high profile clients who had extremely disturbing kinks.

She said that he sold her to atleast 10 men each day, didn't give her food, starved her, hit her, he also sold her kidney to make money.

Madam Farah wasn't letting her stay in the brothel but few women requested her and said that they will pay her rent so she agreed.

The girl never came out of her room, she was extremely traumatised. One unfortunate night she hanged herself to death.

Emara was the first one to witness it. She had gone to give her breakfast and saw her hanging from the ceiling. It took a huge toll on her. This incident had become a lesson for all the girls in the brothel to not trust any men.

What the hell was I thinking, this can't happen, what if I meet the same fate? No I can't marry him she thought.

Faris could see how hard she was thinking. All of a sudden her face had gone very pale, her hands were shivering. He wanted to hold her hand, comfort her but he knew it wouldn't be appropriate.

He wanted to marry her, he was ready to convince her till any extent. All he knew was that she has to be his wife or he wouldn't be able to live.

"Emara", he said.

Hearing his voice she broke out of her trance and looked at him.

"Marry me", Faris said his voice dominating and urgent.

"I can't," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Why not, Emara?" Faris's tone was insistent, his eyes burning with an intensity that made her knees weak.
"Marry me, and I'll give you everything you desire. I'll bring the whole world to your feet."

"But... I'm just a dancer," she protested, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Why would you want to marry me?"

"Because you're more than just a dancer, Emara," he replied. "You're a woman of strength, of beauty, of fire. And I want you by my side, now and forever."

"I-I can't I'm sorry, I don't mean to disrespect you but I can't marry you", she said in a small voice.

Faris sighed, he knew he had to handle her with patience and understanding.

"You don't need to take a decision right away, take a few days and then tell me", he said gently.

Emara nodded her head so as to get out of the conversation quickly.

"Please drop me back", she said.


Faris drops Emara back at the brothel, his words echoing in her mind. He had given her time to think about her decision.

Walking towards her room, she knocks gently on the door. Her mother opens it, her face etched with worry.

"Where were you all night?" her mother asks, her voice tinged with concern.

"I slept in Sameeha's room because I got back late and I didn't want to disturb you," Emara lies, forcing a smile to reassure her.

Her mother studies her face for a moment. "Are you okay?" she asks, not entirely convinced.

Emara nods. "Yes, I'm fine."

Her mother sighs, then nods back. "Alright. Get some rest."

Emara walks into her room and closes the door behind her. She sits on her bed, the weight of Faris's proposal pressing down on her.

"Marry him?" she whispers to herself, still in disbelief. The offer is tempting—security, her mother's treatment, a way out of this life. But she barely knows him. She can't just marry someone she doesn't know.

What if he betrayed her and pushed her in a fate worse than this?
The questions swirl in her mind, and she knows she needs to make a decision soon.

As the night deepens, Emara sits in her room, lost in contemplation, her heart torn between fear and hope.

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