Chapter 35

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16 years later...

Amy's POV

Life has been great. Ricky runs the butcher shop and makes a lot of money. We have been happily married for 16 years.

I'm 34 with 3 16 year olds and one 18 year old.

John had just graduated from my old school and him and his fiancé Emily, Adrian and Omar's daughter are engaged, living together and expecting. She's 6 months pregnant. She is an absolute angel.

They met when she was a freshman and him a senior. Well they didn't meet, meet they grew up together, but that's when they started dating.

Jasper is his fathers son, the school player but he doesn't sleep around, he knows all about how his parents got pregnant because his father wasn't careful all those years ago, but he does go from girl to girl.

Jen is my wild child, the free spirit, the cheer captain even though she's a sophomore.

The door bell rang. I walked over and let Ashely, Grace, Madison, Adrian, Kathy and Lauren all in with their kids.

Kathy and Ethan have a beautiful 10 year old daughter named Kim. Madison has a 15 year old son Luke and a 10 year old daughter named Lilly.

Lauren and Jesse had Jim who's 3. Grace and Jack had twins Melody and David who are 10.

Adrian and Omar also have a 13 year old son named Dray.

And Ashley and Toby have 4 year old Alec.

Then there's my sweet book loving Jess who's a shy introverted girl. Her and Luke have been best friends since they were 5. She loves to sing, read and write.

We all walked into the living room, where Ricky and our four children wait for us.

Luke went to go sit next to Jess as usual, but something was different, there was a look in their eyes of love and, guilt?

Then the doorbell rang.

I turned back around in confusion and opened it.

"Dad, mom, Nora, Kathleen, Margret, Shakur? What are all of you doing here?" I asked in confusion.

"Jess asked us to come." My dad spoke.

I let them all in and we walked back to the living room.

"What are you all doing here?" Ricky asked standing up and hugging them.

"I called them. You should sit down. I need to tell you something." Jess said standing from her seat.

We all sat in the couches looking at her.

"So you all know I love you all so much and I would never do anything to ruin our huge weird messed up, confusing family." She said quickly, nervous as fuck.

"What is it Jess. You can tell us. We love you." I spoke softly, grabbing her shaking hands.

"Well, me and Luke are dating." She blurted.

"What? Why are you so nervous. That's great news. We've all kind of have seen it coming. I mean we see the way the two of you look at each other." Me and Madison spoke.

Everyone else nodding their head in agreement. "Theres something more, mom. A big something." She whispered. I looked up at my fearful daughter, tears in her eyes.

I pulled her down into my arms and held her close as she cried in my arms. "It's okay, whatever it is my sweet girl. We love you." I whispered, stroking my hand through her hair.

She sniffed and pulled out of the hug, going on her knees in front of me, Luke coming down next to her and rubbing her back. A silent conversation going between the two.

Luke stood back up, standing behind her. She looked back up at me before looking down at her hands in her knees, a single tear dropping on them.

"I'm pregnant."

                                   The end!

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