Chapter 22

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Amy's POV

I set my keys on the tray table as I walked through the door with John in my arms.

I set him down and he ran to his toys on the ground.

I felt hands come around my waist, at first I thought it was Ricky but then I got a strange feeling so I turned around, there stood Ben.

I pushed him away from me. "What in the hell are you doing here Ben. Your suppose to be in jail." I yelled. I walked over to John and picked him up.

"I was but now I'm back for you. And to kill Ricky. I broke out, my love" He admitted. I flinched at his words. I kissed John on his head.

I held my hand that had my engagement ring around John.

"I am not your love. I love Ricky and he loves me and John." I said.

He walked forward, I slowly walked backwards towards Johns room. He was right in front of me now, I grabbed my pepper spray in my pocket and sprayed it in his face. I then ran me and John into his room.

I yelled the door closed but I felt Ben trying to open it. I set John down and he hid behind his bed.

"Amy. Open up." He creepily said, banging on the door. I tried to hold it closed. I looked for something, anything that could be in Johns room to protect us.

I pulled out my phone, dialing for help. Tears streaming down my face.

"Amy. What's up?" The voice I so desperately wanted to hear.

"Ben, he escaped jail. Me and John are hiding in his room but I can't hold the door much longer. Ricky I'm scared. Please hurry." I cried.

I heard the line die. He wasn't going to waste time.

I held the door as long as I could.  I felt the banging stop for a few minutes. I let out a breath.

I felt the door hand jiggle, I tenses up again pushing the door with all my strength.

"Amy?" I let out a sigh hearing Ricky's voice. I opened the door to see the one person I needed the most right now.

I hugged him tight, crying into his chest. I felt his arms around my body, holding me close.

"I'm here. I got you. Your safe." He whispered with his head resting on top of mine.

"Daddy." Johns little voice called out running over to us. I get him got into the gap between Ricky and I and hug Ricky's leg.

"Hey buddy." Ricky said bending down and picking him up. I smiled at them as a few more tears went down my face at the thought of loosing them.

"He's going to come back." I whispered, looking at the table, noticing a piece of paper.

I walked over and picked it up, it was a note. "I'll be back Amy. You little family won't last long. I will kill who I have to to get to you." I gasped, putting a hand to my mouth.

"What is it?" Ricky asked as he walked over to me. "He's won't stop until he has what he wants. Hell kill anybody that gets in his way." I said as my voice cracked.

"What does he want?" Ricky said in anger. "Me."

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