Chapter 23

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Ricky's POV

I just put John to bed in his room. I was helping Amy get our bed ready as we argued.

"Amy, no. You are not sacrificing yourself to save us, John needs his mom and I'm not letting you go with that psycho."

"Ricky that's not your choice. I have to go. If I don't there is an endless list of people he can kill, I can't think about myself when I have everyone I love to think about Ricky. I can't bare the thought about losing my parents, Ashley, Madison, Lauren, Kathleen, Nora, Grace, Margret, Shakir, John, you." She said looking down at the sheets. A small tear rolled down her face.

She put a hand to her stomach in a protective way. "Or our baby." She whispered.

I looked up at her, her eyes meeting mine. "I'm pregnant." She whispered. I walked over to her and hugged her fight in her side with how she was standing.

"Really?" I asked excited. "Yeah. I know we weren't planning for it, but I can't, I can't think about loosing him or her, John, You Ricky. I can't loose you. Please don't leave me. Please don't make me have to choose, I can't lose you." She turned and cried in my chest, I held her tighter.

"You won't. We need to call for help. We need to call the police or Leo. Ruben. Someone that can put him away for good." I muttered.

We stood there for what felt like hours. "We should go to my dads tonight. It's not safe here." She muttered.

"Okay. Grab some clothes for us and I'll get John." I said breaking away from the hug.

We got what we needed and got in the car heading over to George's and Kathleen's house.

We soon arrived and walked up the front door. I rang the door bell since Amy was holding John who was half asleep.

"Amy? What are you doing here. You look like hell." Ashley said.

Amy gave her sister a tight hug. "Your okay." Amy whispered.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Ashley questioned. "Ben got out and he's coming for us all." Amy told her.

We walked inside the house with everything in our hands. "Ames what are you doing here?" George asked as he walked in."

Amy's POV

"Ben got out. He was at the apartment and tried coming after me and John. We weren't safe there so we came here." I said.

"That bastard. He has some nerve." My dad said. "I'm calling you mom." My dad said. I nodded my head and he walked to the other room to call my mom.

We walked I got he kitchen and I set John down in his high chair that my dad has for him.

"Your hungry." Ricky said hugging me from behind, I leaned into him. "Yeah." I whispered.

"Okay. I'll make you something." He said kissing the top of my head and walking over to the fridge.  I smiled.

Grace and Kathleen walked into the kitchen and stopped when they saw me.

"Amy, what's wrong? Why are you guys here?" Grave asked in concern walking over to me.

I huffed, moving my hand through my hair. "Bens back, he escaped prison and the apartment wasn't safe because he came after me and John." I said before sitting at the table and resting my head in my arms that were folded on the table.

Grave sat next to me and rubbed my back. "That jerk. He's actually that insane." She said as she pulled her hand away from my back.

I laughed at the irony. "What's so funny." Kathleen asked as my dad walked in.

"Nothing it really isn't funny at all it's Just ironic. Things are repeating themselves." I said running my face.

"What does that mean?" My dad asked. Ricky looked over at me and shrugged his shoulders telling me it was my decision.

"What's going on?" Ashley asked walking into the room.

"Well!" I started off. "Oh his eyes lease tell me your not pregnant again." I looked at her in disbelief, did she really figure it out.

"Amy?" My dad asked. "Well." My voice squeaked. "Yeah now I understand the whole irony of the situation." Grave said, giving my hand a comforting squeeze.

Ricky turned off the stove and handed me my food in a plate. My favorite fettuccine Alfredo. I gave him a warm smile.

I quickly ate my food in absolute hunger. There was a knock at the front door and everyone froze.

"Did he follow us?" I whispered looking over at Ricky. I picked up John as we looked out the window that they couldn't see. It was undead Ben.

We all quickly walked over to the back door. Ricky turned on the gas in the house. He was going to set it on fire.

"Come in." My dad said as we all walked out the back door. As the rest of us got in the car Ricky snuck over to a window and dropped his lighter inside. He ran back to the car and we drove around back so Ben couldn't see us. With in a few minutes we heard the house blow up in the distance.

My phone began to ring. I looked at the number and it was my mom. "Amy. Where are you guys at? I'm in my way there." She said.

"We are headed to Revern Stones church. The stone family is going to meet us there with Madison and Lauren and their families. We also called Ruben and their coming to meet us there. Adrian was visiting them with Omar." I said.

"Okay." Was all she said before hanging up. I held John tight as we sat in the backseat with Ashley, Grace, and Kathleen. My dad was up front with Ricky.

We pulled up to the church and got out. It was empty.

We walked into the church to see the stone family  sitting there with Madison and Lauren. I set John down and he went over to Ashley.

The two girls ran up to me. "So he's really back?" Madison asked.

"Yeah, and will kill anyone that gets in his way. So what's a better way to keep us all safe than to have us stay here in the church. We will be calling the police if he survived the house being blown up." I said.

"Hey, you should rest." Ricky said hugging me from behind. I shook my head.

"I can't. Every-time I close my eyes I see you dead. I am not raising our two children alone and I can't lose you Ricky I just can't I love you too much that I won't be able to keep going. I can't lose you so no I can't rest because all I dream about is you lying dead in front of me, John and our baby." I said turning around and wrapping my arms around him.

He gave me a soft loving kiss. I kissed him back. We broke apart hearing Lauren clear her throat.

"You forget to tell us something? Like I don't know your pregnant again." Just as on cue Margret, Shakir, Nora, Ethan, and Kathy walk in.

"What did she just say?" Nora asked raising her eyebrow at Ricky.

"You heard her." I said, resting my head on Ricky's chest and looking at them.

"Where's my baby. Where my daughter. Where's Amy." I heard a voice I've missed all too much.

I ran and pushed past everyone, I ran up to my mom and hugged her right. "Mom." I said.

"Hi my sweet girl. Now what's going on?" She asked.

I lead her over to the rest to see that Adrian and her family had joined us now.

I was about to speak when my phone rang. Unknown caller ID.

I pressed the answer button. "Hello?" I asked. "Hi Amy. You probably don't remember me." A cold harsh voice said.

"Your friend Ben brought me with him when he escaped prison. I just wanted to let you know we're coming." I knew that voice. I hung up the phone.

Everyone stared at my as shock and fear moved through my body and my face went pale.

"Amy who was that?" Ricky asked. I looked up at him with tears streaming down my face. Only one word coming to mind. "Bob."

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