Chapter 76: Another Annoying Clown

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***Amaya's POV***

Walking arm and arm with Law, we walked down a long metal covered hallway. Despite me being invisible at the moment, Law still tries to talk on occasion, making him appear insane enough to talk to air.

Once we neared a specific door, his demeanor did a complete change. Instead of the easy going and flirty guy I knew, he went back to his stoic, uncaring facade that he showed the world.

I opened the door, making it appear as if he used his hand holding his sword. We stepped inside. I made sure to sync my steps with his, so I wouldn't make additional sounds.

A gas ball awaited inside. It coiled and spun until the palest man I've ever seen emerged. He was so pale that he was paper white. He wore a long flowing lab coat, and gloves engraved with a 'C.C.' on them. His hair was long and black, looking more like a long mane than hair.

"What the hell have you done, Law!" He shouted at the man beside me.

"I'm the one who should be complaining here! Caesar!"

The scientist ignored him, finally lowering the snailsponder receiver in his hand.


"I finally got through to him." Caesar announced. "We have permission to kill. The Straw Hats, G-5, and Foxfire Kin'emon." His purple lips continued grotesquely speaking.

I squeezed Law's arm lightly at the report, so he knew my opinion was in disfavor of the idea. I doubt he'd go after Lu at least for real, so it shouldn't be an issue.

Law led us out of the room as Caesar kept talking. I almost felt bad. I tuned in with the rumble power to see if he would say anything else of importance.

"No matter who dies on this island. Joker will make it look like an accident at sea. Catch as many of them as you can! The more guinea pigs, the better." He ordered his yellow suited minions that were also in the room.

"Yes, Master."

So that answers those questions. The samurai's name was Kin'emon, and Caesar was the 'master' that the kids were referring to.

"But you can just kill the ones who can't be taken with poison. Where did Law go?" I hear him question.

"He left the room a few minutes ago." One of his minions informed.

"Alright. One of the enemies has a 400 million berry bounty. Don't push yourself too hard." Caesar sarcastically spoke.

"The other members are in a broad range of 120 million to 50 berries each. All of them are wanted pirates."

A female voice informed their group. She must have been the woman with angel wings who was also in the room. She was scribbling on a piece of paper and reading stacks of documents when we were in there.

"They've been inactive for two years, so those numbers may not properly represent them." She finished.

"You always study hard, Monet." Caesar spoke.

Indeed, that could pose a problem, too. That means they won't be underestimating Lu and his crew.

Law patted my hand, changing my focus to him. "Ya-ya, you good?"

"Hmhm, just eavesdropping on that clown's conversation. Nothing overly useful to report though."

"You always seem to have another ability up your sleeve." He comments with a grin.

I smile in return, not that he could see it, but I'm sure he heard it through my tone. "Right! It keeps things interesting and the people around me on their toes." I lightly chuckle, remembering all the times I've seen shocked faces from those around me. "So where are we headed?"

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