Chapter 35

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Antonio's POV

I have been away from my family for days. Normally I don't overly mind because business is business, but now that Alana is here it is harder than it has ever been being away from my family. She has sparked something in him, he finally has the daughter he always wanted, and she is by far a daddy's girl and there is no doubt about that, and I want nothing more than to go to her. I hope she misses me as much as I miss her and her loving cuddles, she always gives me.

Sadly, I can't return until I finish this. I am currently standing face to face with Maverick Anders the head of the English mafia and my enemy. I HATE this man with every inch of my being, and I can't wait to put him 6 feet under. There has been a lot of destruction these fast few days and a lot of good men have died. I have had enough, no more of my men will die at the hands of this asshole, sure we have killed just as many of his but I have no care for them, they have no loyalty to me for me to care. I called him to meet me 1-1 to end this once and for all, so here we stand waiting, calculating, and observing each other waiting for the other to talk or attack. The silence made everything more tense, so tense you could cut the air with a knife it was that thick. After a few minutes Maverick spoke first. (Maverick's words in italics)

"Hello dear old friend, I see you look well"

"We are not friends so do not kid yourself or are you just worried that you may die here and are using the term to try and avoid it?"

"HAHAHAHAHAH, I am not scare to die but who said it will be me to die here?"

"I will kill you here and end this war once and for all"

"This war will never be over. Anyway, I won't die here, not if you care for you family I won't"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, while we have been here over the last few days, I had a special little group looking for you family but mostly that precious little girl you have, and if my timing is right, they should be arriving there any minute now and I will have that little girl and you will never see her again"

I saw red and without thinking I grabbed my gun and shot him right between the eyes before turning on my heel and grabbing my phone out my pocket calling my father.

"Son it is good to hear from you, is ev...."

"Alana's in danger you all are, and they may be there already, I am on my way"

I don't give my father time to finish talking or reply knowing he will have understood and hang up before making my way to the car. "Step on it" and we are off, I just hope we are not too late.

Jack's POV

I call Xander on his phone telling him to watch out and come meet us at the café since we are all there. The girls are sitting outside while I nipped in to order some drinks, but the drinks quickly forgotten about as I turn on my heel and march back out making sure my gun is within reach just in case. As I get outside, I see Alice and Maria chatting while Lana is playing with a doll that we got her from the gift shop, since I know they are together I glance around as I make my way over to them, making sure that there is no one who looks like they do not belong.

As I reach the table, I sit down making sure I look like a normal grampa with his family and not the suspicious looking type, but Maria and my wife see right through me. "Look normal and happy and do not let your faces turn into anything other than happiness ok" they both nod their heads "Ant called, we are in danger, and they are after Alana" just then I look around to pick Alana up to see her running away making me bolt up and go after her. Why is she running? I think before I see Xander and Luca just ahead of her, she is running to them, at least she is not running away. Just as she is almost in Xanders arms, I catch movement to the right seeing 3 guys with guns in their hands aiming at my grandkids.

"XANDER LOOK OUT!!!" I shout as I grab mine and aim it at the intruders. I watch Xander grab Lana tucking her head into his neck before whispering something in her ear as he grabs his gun and aims in the same direction and Luca and I both are now. "He is dead so walk away and keep your life's or you will die here" I bellow out in the coldest voice I can muster "He may be gone but we will still get revenge, hand her over or you will all suffer" one of the goons shouts back taking a step forward while waving his gun at the kids.

"If you think you are getting anywhere near her then you are as stupid as you look" Xander shouts and I can see Alana shake at him shouting before she starts to cry clearly scared now. We wanted to keep her away from this part of us but now it is too late. Before another word could be said one of them hit the deck crying out in pain then the other 2 followed. I looked around and saw Ant standing there with an evil glint in his eye, I don't think I have ever seen him look so mad and I have seen him mad plenty of times before but never like this.

"YOU DARE COME AFTER MY FAMILY, GUYS TAKE THEM AWAY" he yells before running over to his kids and trying to take Alana who screamed when he touched her.

Alana's POV

I was sitting playing with a doll grampa got me while mummy and granny talked about boring things and grampa was getting some drinks for us. He had not been gone long when I saw him come back and sit down and start talking. I got bored so started looking at all the people walking by when I spotted my brothers walking towards us and I got excited to see them so without thinking I got up and ran towards Xander having the sudden urge to be cuddled by him.

Just as I was about to reach them, I heard grampa shout "XANDER LOOK OUT!!!" next thing I know Xander grabs me then lifts me up before tucking my head into his neck then whispers in my ear "I need you to keep your head there and don't look okay baby girl" I whisper a yes out feeling really scared all of a sudden. I hear grampa saying "He is dead so walk away and keep your life's or you will die here" before an unknown voice speaks back asking for me to be handed over. Who is dead? Why do they want me? And why does Xander feel so tense? I'm brought out my thoughts when he speaks next "If you think you are getting anywhere near her then you are as stupid as you look" he tightens his grip on me making me whimper before he releases his hold slightly and I suddenly start to cry from all the raised voices around me.

Things are quiet for a moment before I hear people crying out in pain. Who is hurt? I don't have time to think more before I head a very angry voice shouting and it is a voice I will never want to hear ever again. The type of voice that would make someone still in fear, fall to the ground and beg for their life's. "YOU DARE COME AFTER MY FAMILY, GUYS TAKE THEM AWAY" the voice sounds like my daddy but he has never sounded that cold before so it can't be him.

The next thing I know I feel someone touching me and I let out one of the biggest screams I think I have ever done, and my grip tightens on Xander if that was even possible. I hear a sigh before a gentle voice, one that I know very well "Princess, it's okay, you are okay" "Daddy" I cried out still hiding my face "Yes it's me princess, I missed you, can you look at me baby" I slowly lift me head and look around to see daddy standing there with a worried expression on his face, I did not like that. I quickly reach out to him, and he takes me into his arms and cuddles me close. "I missed you daddy but why were you so angry it was scary" "I missed you too baby, I am sorry I scared you, I did not mean too but sometimes when I feel like my family needs protecting I can sound mean but it will NEVER be directed to you I promise you that" I nod my head not knowing what to say and just bask in the comfort of his arms.

"Let's go home princess" he says before he beings walking. I am glad daddy is home. 

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