Chapter 33

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Maria's POV

My husband and I had a lovely night in bed after having a fantastic family day. It was now 6am and I woke to hearing Alana crying, more like screaming in the nursery. I head on threw and the sight that beholds me is scary to say the least, well from my perspective it is anyway. Alana was standing up in her crib, holding onto the bars with tears down her face and a big pile of sick on the bed beside her. "Aww my poor baby is sick" I say as I pick her up and take her to the bathroom and begin to run a bath. As the bath is running, I strip her of her sick covered clothes before turning the bath off and placing her in it.

My poor baby was so tired she couldn't hold herself up properly, but luckily, we have a little bath chair for her that we have not used yet, so I picked her back out the bath and grabbed the little chair, sticking it in then proceeded to sit her in it and securing the strap to prevent her from falling forward. I wash her little body clean from any icky stuff then proceed to wash her hair since it has a little in it too. As I finish rinsing her hair Antonio comes to the bathroom, "What has you both up at this time love?" "Alana is sick" this catches his attention and he comes over to the tub, "Oh dear she does look very pale doesn't she" "Yeah, can you get her dried and dressed while I shower as I have some sick on me too" "Of course love" I watch as my husband wraps Alana up and leaves the room. "HONEY" "Yes" "I would do it in our room hers needs a good clean and I think she may be sick if she goes in there when it's still icky there" "Ah yeah ok I will put her on our bed and grab her stuff" with that he walks out, and I get my self showered.

Once I am showered, dried, and dressed, I make my way downstairs to find my husband rocking our daughter who has clearly been crying again. "Is everything okay?" "Not really, she was sick again and she has quite a bad fever, I have called Chris and he is on his way to check her over but it will be in about an hour so until then we need to keep a close eye on her so I think it is best one of us are with her at all times" "I agree, why don't I grab us coffee and bring it through, we can all sit in here until Christ comes" "Yeah and maybe a bottle of water for Alana, she may get dehydrated with the amount she is being sick" I nod my Head in agreement before heading off to the kitchen.

I grab our coffees and fill Lana's bottle full of water before heading back to the living room where I see my little girl being sick again in a bowl. I place the coffees down and pickup a not hysterical Alana. "Shh, shh, you are okay honey, I know it's not nice feeling icky" I try to calm her down by slightly rocking her as I walk around the room. Ant has taken the bowl away to empty it while I try to calm our daughter down, but nothing seems to be helping. It then clicks that I should see if her paci will help so I grab it of the side unit and offer it to her, she takes it and begins to calm down a little bit. I was not aware that Alana's cries have woken Alice and Jack up who were now standing in the living room with looks of concern on their faces.

"What happened?" Alice askes as she comes closer, I take a step back and explain that she is very sick and would prefer that no one else gets it, so only Ant and I will have contact with her, at least until the doctor has been. Alice looks sad at this but even though she looks like a healthy lady she actually has a weakened immune system, and it would not be a good thing if she got sick. Jack leaves and comes back with drinks for himself and Alice before they take a seat on the further away sofa from myself. Ant comes back with the bowl and sits beside me brushing some hair out of Lana's face who has now managed to drift off.

"My poor baby, I wonder what has gotten her so sick" "I don't know love, but she has been violently sick, I nipped up to grab her teddy but sadly that needs to go to the wash so I asked the maids to clean it all and as soon as the teddy is clean and dry to bring it to her" I nod my head not looking up from my baby in my arms. I sit and keep rocking her side to side while everyone else chats and drinks their drinks. As they chat Lana becomes restless in my arms before turning on her side and throwing up, luckily Ant noticed and grabbed the bowl just in time.

Alana's New Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें